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ACPS 2024-25 School Year Kindergarten Registration Is Open!

ACPS 2024-25 School Year Kindergarten Registration Is Open!

Kindergarten registration for the 2024-25 school year is now open. We encourage everyone to register their kindergarten students early in the process to assist schools to prepare for staffing kindergarten classrooms.

Families can use the registration webpage to check that their child meets the age requirements and to learn about the required documents for enrollment in the upcoming school year. The attendance zone locator tool helps families find their school zone.

In addition, ACPS is hosting kindergarten open houses so families can learn more about their schools. Visit the website for your school for more details including information about kindergarten registration, which is available on the ACPS website. Families should use the online student registration form for the 2024-25 school year, available in multiple languages, to register their kindergarten students. The next step is to call the school or contact the school registrar to schedule a time to visit and present all the necessary documents for in-person confirmation in order to complete the registration process.

Families registering kindergarten students for the 2024-25 school year will want to save the date of Fri., Aug. 16, 2024, when ACPS will host a half-day orientation session, called “Step Up to Kindergarten.” This introduction to the school experience before the actual official start date of the school year helps incoming kindergarten students become familiar with their schools, classrooms and teachers in advance of the start of the school year, so they can feel more comfortable on the first day of school.

  • 2023-24