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ACPS Announces Rene Paschal as Acting Executive Director of School Leadership

ACPS Announces Rene Paschal as Acting Executive Director of School Leadership

Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) is pleased to announce the appointment of Rene Paschal as acting executive director of school leadership, effective Oct. 2, 2023. In his new role, Paschal will work closely with school principals on professional learning and executive coaching and training, as well as ensuring a cohesive community of practice and standard operating procedures across schools and leadership teams.

“I am truly overjoyed to welcome Rene Paschal to the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Leadership as Acting Executive Director of School Leadership. As a well-respected principal at Samuel Tucker Elementary School, Rene was a beacon of inspiration, guiding students toward success, mentoring principals and fostering a culture of excellence,” Chief Academic Officer Dr. Pierrette Finney said. “As he ascends to the role of acting executive director of school leadership, his light will shine even brighter, illuminating a path for our ACPS school leaders to follow in his unwavering commitment to educational leadership and excellence.”

Paschal previously served as acting executive director of human resources since October 2022 and was the principal of Samuel W. Tucker Elementary School (Tucker) from 2011 to 2022. Known for his leadership ability, Paschal has more than 40 years of service in public education. He taught third, fourth and fifth grades, served as a school counselor and has more than 25 years of leadership experience as a school principal. At Tucker, he was instrumental in obtaining the U.S. Department of Education’s 21st Century Community Learning Centers grant for an after-school program to benefit student academic success and well-being.

In 2021-22, Paschal was awarded the National Distinguished Principal Award by the Virginia Association of Elementary School Principals (VAESP). This award program recognizes and celebrates principals who set high standards for instruction, student achievement, character and climate for the students, families and staff in their learning communities. He was also named the ACPS Principal of the Year in 2019.

His previous divisionwide experience includes having served as a director of professional learning, career ladder and educational technology in another school division, prior to ACPS. Paschal earned his Bachelor of Education from Kent State University and his Master of Education in counseling from the University of Arizona.

  • 2023-24
  • Department of Teaching, Learning and Leadership
  • Leadership