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ACPS Celebrates 40 Retirees for Their Combined 827 Years of Service

ACPS Celebrates 40 Retirees for Their Combined 827 Years of Service

Forty dedicated professionals from across Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) retired during Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 with a ceremony held June 7, 2022, at Alexandria City High School. These retirees held various positions within the school division including social worker, bus driver, school security, registrar, payroll specialist and teachers.

“This year’s retirees represent over 827 years of service dedicated to the people and ideals of the City of Alexandria,” said Acting Chief of Human Resources Dr. Melanie Kay-Wyatt. “They have supported ACPS students and each other through some of the most tumultuous and difficult times any of us have ever seen, personally, professionally or globally.”

Over the years, these newly-minted retirees worked with integrity and passion as they did their part to support and help students within the division as they go out into the world upon graduation. “The impact each individual has had on ACPS, on the students of Alexandria and the ripple effects of that impact through time is nearly incalculable,” noted Dr. Kay-Wyatt.

Superintendent Dr. Gregory C. Hutchings, Jr. and other ACPS leaders attended the event to share their wishes for a fulfilling retirement to the retirees during this month’s ceremony. The event included a tribute to the 11 retirees from previous years who passed away this past year.