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City Will Implement New School Zone Speed Limit Near ACHS

City Will Implement New School Zone Speed Limit Near ACHS

A new school zone speed limit will be implemented near Alexandria City High School (ACHS) on King Street between Radford and Quincy Streets. The 15 mile per hour (mph) limit will be in effect approximately 30 minutes before and after ACHS arrival and dismissal times. The starting point for the lower speed limit will be marked by a flashing “SCHOOL ZONE SPEED LIMIT” sign and the end of the school zone will be marked by a static “END SCHOOL SPEED LIMIT” sign.

“Most public schools in Alexandria have a school zone speed limit of 15 mph that is in effect during school arrival and dismissal, though ACHS did not have one,” Alexandria’s Complete Streets Program Manager Alex Carroll said. “Establishing a school zone speed limit affords ACHS students the same safety benefits other students receive from having a school zone speed limit.”

Vehicle speed is the primary factor in the frequency and severity of crashes. Managing speed is extremely important to improving traffic safety, especially in areas where people walk and bike. “Higher speeds make it harder for drivers to be aware of their surroundings as well as react to and stop in the event of a hazard. We expect slower speeds will make the street safer, and could play a role in encouraging more people to walk and bike if they feel safer doing so,” Carroll explained. No significant traffic impacts are anticipated.

Per Virginia Code, the fine for violating an active school zone speed limit is up to $250. The Alexandria Police Department may assign officers to monitor for speeding violations, but at this time speed cameras are not part of the plan.

Alexandria is committed to providing safe routes for students to walk and bike to and from school. Slower speeds decrease the risk of serious accidents and can improve the quality of life for pedestrians and bicycle riders.

Speed limit changes are reviewed by the city's Traffic & Parking Board and approved by the city manager. In September 2022, the Traffic & Parking Board voted to recommend a 15 mph school zone speed limit for ACHS. This recommendation was approved by the city manager in October 2022.

  • 2022-23
  • Alexandria City High School
  • King Street Campus
  • school safety