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Coming Up in October 2023: Community Engagement and Calendar Reminders

Coming Up in October 2023: Community Engagement and Calendar Reminders
Learn about calendar reminders and upcoming community events in October. Find out when the Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) Community Outreach team will be in your neighborhood!

ESL II — Conversation Club for Intermediate ESL Speakers

Mondays and Wednesdays in October (Oct. 2, 4, and 11), 5:30-6:30 p.m.

Charles E. Beatley Jr. Central Library (5005 Duke Street)

The Alexandria Library builds community by providing opportunities to learn, explore, create and connect. Its ESL II Conversation Club is a space for intermediate speakers to practice English and build confidence. No registration is required.

What About Me? Supporting Siblings of Students with Disabilities

Tues., Oct. 3, 12-1 p.m.

Join via Zoom

The ACPS Anne R. Lipnick Special Education Parent Resource Center assists parents to become partners in their child's education. Join this workshop to learn strategies for helping, reassuring and involving siblings. Interpretation services will be provided.

Superintendent’s Community Chat: One Team, One Journey

Tues., Oct. 3, 6-7 p.m.

Dr. Melanie Kay-Wyatt welcomes ACPS community members to attend the "Superintendent's Community Chat: One Team, One Journey" event. Join us in person or online through Zoom or Facebook Livestream. Visit our event webpage for more information.

Patrick Henry Project: Virtual Community Meeting

Wed., Oct. 4, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Join via Zoom

The Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) Office of Capital Programs, Planning, and Design team is excited to extend an invitation to you for a virtual community meeting to discuss Phase 3 of the Patrick Henry Project, which includes the demolition of the swing space and construction of the parking lot and athletic field. Interpretation services will be provided.

Third Annual Ethiopian Fall Festival

Sun., Oct. 8, 1-7 p.m.

Oronoco Bay Park (100 Madison Street)

The Ethiopian Community Support and Advocacy Center provides services to the community related to immigration, housing, education, healthcare, homelessness and childcare. All are welcome to join this annual celebration of Ethiopian culture with music, dance, food, arts and crafts.

Indigenous People’s Day

Mon., Oct. 9

ACPS schools are closed for students (except Samuel W. Tucker Elementary School). This is a professional learning day for staff.

ALIVE! Pop-Up Food Distributions

Various dates and locations (see below)

ALIVE! is a local not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing emergency and basic needs support to children, families and individuals living in poverty and with hunger in the City of Alexandria. ALIVE! will distribute bags of food to Alexandria City residents. No ID is required. Make sure to check out the ALIVE! website for more information about the Food Hubs.

  • Thurs., Oct. 12, 4:30-6 p.m.: William Ramsay Recreation Center (5650 Sanger Avenue)
  • Thurs., Oct. 19, 4-6 p.m.: Francis C. Hammond Middle School (4646 Seminary Road)
  • Sat., Oct. 28, 8:30-10:30 a.m.: Cora Kelly School for Math, Science and Technology (3600 Commonwealth Avenue)

Hispanic Heritage Festivals

Various dates and locations (see below)

Join the Department of Recreation, Parks and Cultural Affairs as they wrap up Hispanic Heritage Month with celebrations for all ages.


Community Budget Forum

Mon., Oct. 16, 6:30 p.m.

Alexandria City High School Rotunda (3330 King Street)

Join us in person or via Zoom for a community session on the Fiscal Year 2025 (FY) Combined Funds Budget and the FY 2025-34 Capital Improvement Plans (CIP) Budget. This is an opportunity to learn about the upcoming budget process, timeline and the fiscal challenges facing ACPS. Interpretation services will be available on Zoom.

Alexandria Youth Support Network — Community Meeting

Mon., Oct. 16, 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Alexandria City High School Cafeteria (3330 King Street)

Join the Alexandria Youth Support Network to hear the perspectives of K-12 out of school time (OST) program providers, families and youth, including the needs and hopes surrounding OST programs in the community. Interpretation services and childcare for children ages 3-8 available with your online registration which can be completed via your ACPS ParentSquare account.

Healthy Conversations

Wed., Oct. 18, 6-8 p.m.

George Washington Middle School (1005 Mount Vernon Avenue)

ACPS middle school families are invited to join us to learn about foundational relationship building, effective strategies for showing love and support and ways to address challenging topics, including vaping, marijuana, alcohol and dating. Dinner, childcare for children ages 3-8 and interpretation services provided with your online registration.

ACHS Titans vs. West Potomac High School (Homecoming)

Fri., Oct. 20, 7 p.m.

Alexandria City High School (3330 King Street)

The ACHS Titans are excited to host their homecoming football game. The cost is $5 for students and $7 general admission. For more information, visit

ACHS Titans vs. James W. Robinson Secondary School (Senior Night)

Fri., Oct. 27, 7 p.m.

Alexandria City High School (3330 King Street)

The ACHS Titans are excited to host their final home game of the regular football season and celebrate senior athletes. The cost is $5 for students and $7 general admission. For more information, visit

Teacher Work Day

Mon., Oct. 30

There will be no school for ACPS students (except Samuel W. Tucker Elementary School).

Upcoming School Board Meetings

School Board meetings are held in person in the School Board Meeting Room at 1340 Braddock Place, unless noted otherwise. Members of the public may attend in person or via Zoom. Please visit the School Board webpage for any updates to the meeting schedule. Regularly scheduled School Board meetings will take place in October as follows:

  • Thurs., Oct. 5, 6:30 p.m.
  • Thurs., Oct. 19, 6:30 p.m.
  • 2023-24
  • Community Engagement and Calendar Reminders