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Fiscal Year 2026 Superintendent Proposed Combined Funds Budget

Fiscal Year 2026 Superintendent Proposed Combined Funds Budget

Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) Superintendent Dr. Melanie Kay-Wyatt proposed the Fiscal Year  2026 (FY 26) Combined Funds (CF) Budget at the Jan. 23, 2025, Alexandria City School Board meeting. The FY26 Combined Funds Budget directly aligns with the budget priorities approved by the School Board at the Oct. 10, 2024, meeting and includes improvements in staff compensation and benefits, increased key school-based staff positions, operations and safety enhancements, technology integration and security reinforcements and funding supporting redistricting. The Proposed FY 26 CF Budget, includes the Operating Budget, School Nutrition Funds as well as Grants and Special Projects Fund, and totals $392.5 million. The ACPS Operating Budget of $363.5 million for the 2025-26 school year is an increase of 4% from the FY 25 Combined Funds Budget. 

As the Washington Metropolitan Area job market remains highly competitive, the proposed budget includes funding for step increases for all eligible employees, health benefit increases and recruitment and retention bonuses. The FY 26 proposed budget also includes a labor relations position to further support the division’s workforce and foster a strong culture of collaboration in preparation for collective bargaining.

“The Proposed CF FY26 Budget aligns with the division’s mission of empowering all students and staff,” said Superintendent Dr. Melanie Kay-Wyatt. “As a division in a highly competitive job market, this budget enables us to attract and retain a dynamic workforce ensuring we can continue to provide a high-quality education and meet the evolving needs of our students.” “The FY26 budget includes dedicated funding for various forward-looking projects aimed at preparing the school division for future needs, such as redistricting due to the projected student enrollment growth, capacity planning, program development and infrastructure improvements to sustain and enhance educational excellence across ACPS.”

Additionally, the proposed budget also increases school-based staffing positions including increases in homeroom K-5 teachers, English Learner (EL) positions, in-school suspension (ISS) coordinators for the K-8 schools, student support team staff, advanced academic services teachers, the addition of an American Sign Language teacher and a Title IX position. The budget also proposes an increase in funding for public carrier services and the Middle School Athletics Program.  

The student growth and support services in the proposed budget were also emphasized by ACPS Chief Financial Officer Dominic Turner, saying “The proposed budget was thoughtfully prepared to reflect a strategic commitment to advancing the success of our students, staff and community–addressing immediate and long-term needs. Prioritizing numerous staffing areas and enhancing the daily operation, safety and technology needs of our division is vital in ensuring we continue to provide a welcoming, equitable and safe learning environment for all. I encourage everyone in the ACPS community to engage in the budget process over the next few months.”

The School Board will hold the first work session on the CF budget–including the operating budget–on Jan. 28, 2025, and the second work session, as well as a Public Hearing, on the proposed budget on Jan. 30, 2025. The School Board is expected to approve its budget on Feb. 20, 2025. The School Board will vote to approve the Final Adopted Combined Funds Budget on June 12, 2025.

The full budget timeline and a summary of this year’s budget process can be found on the ACPS FY 26 Budget Web Page. The Jan. 23, 2025, School Board meeting, at which the superintendent’s proposed budget was presented, will be available to view online.

  • 2024-25