June 18, 2024: PreK-8 Analysis Community Information Meeting
Families and community members are invited to attend an informational meeting on Tue., June 18, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. regarding the PreK-8 analysis and evaluation. During the June 18, 2024, meeting, families will receive an update on the Information Gathering Phases as well as planning for the Pros and Cons Documentation.
From May to August 2024, a PreK-8 analysis and evaluation will be conducted on Jefferson-Houston PreK-8 IB School (Jefferson-Houston) and Patrick Henry K-8 School (Patrick Henry) by an independent contractor. The purpose of the analysis and evaluation is to develop recommendations for the Alexandria City School Board to determine whether or not the grade level configuration of these schools should be changed.
Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) previously conducted a grade-level configuration study in 2017, which gave a national perspective on PreK-8 models. ACPS is now looking for a specific analysis of its PreK-8 schools to determine if these programmatic models should be maintained and, if not, what the human, programmatic, operational and fiscal implications of other models are.
Throughout this process, we will be developing a frequently asked questions (FAQ) document to consistently communicate with families and the community. School and community members may add their questions via an online form. Additionally, family engagement meetings will be scheduled periodically throughout the process.
The community is invited to participate in the upcoming PreK-8 analysis and evaluation community engagement event hosted via Zoom on June 18, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. Interpretation in Spanish, Arabic, Amharic, French and Dari will be provided. Zoom information can be found below:
Join online: https://acpsk12.zoom.us/j/92923197216?pwd=VFdLdlNkeDdGajhTWHo2Y2hieW5Odz09
Thank you and we look forward to having you join us on June 18, 2024. If you have any additional questions, please email us at ask@acps.k12.va.us.
- 2023-24