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Last Chance: Share Your Feedback on the Student Code of Conduct by Today (June 16, 2023)

Last Chance: Share Your Feedback on the Student Code of Conduct by Today (June 16, 2023)

The Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) Student Code of Conduct outlines the behavioral expectations for students that help keep our schools safe. In the same way that we teach reading, writing and mathematics, we work with all of our students to teach them positive behaviors. The ACPS Student Code of Conduct is one way that we ensure success among all students. It sets a uniform standard of expectations for students and families to promote positive behavior and strong attendance.

It is that time of year when we are seeking stakeholder feedback on the ACPS Student Code of Conduct.

The Student Code of Conduct does the following:

  • Serves as a resource to outline programs that promote positive school behavior.
  • Describes the multi-tiered system of supports that ACPS uses to intervene with students in need of learning new ways to behave at school.
  • Outlines procedures for addressing concerns, such as bullying behaviors.
  • Explains conduct that could result in disciplinary action using a restorative practices lens.

It is important for families and students to read the ACPS Student Code of Conduct and discuss it to ensure that all are aware of the expectations for positive behavior choices and strong attendance. Together, we can promote good conduct in school to ensure safe and orderly learning environments for everyone.

We hope to hear your voice! Please take a moment to share your feedback and comments about the Student Code of Conduct through this online feedback form. This form should take about five minutes to complete and will be available through June 16, 2023. ACPS will use the feedback received to help inform discussions around updates to the Student Code of Conduct for the 2023-24 school year.

  • 2022-23
  • Student Code of Conduct