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Mark Your Calendar: Spring2ACTion Scheduled for April 26, 2023

Mark Your Calendar: Spring2ACTion Scheduled for April 26, 2023

Spring2ACTion, Alexandria’s annual day of giving, is just days away! Presented by ACT for Alexandria, this year’s Spring2ACTion is scheduled for Wed., April 26. The 24-hour online event connects donors to nonprofits that support our community. Early giving began April 12, 2023.

Through their participation in the campaign, various Alexandria City High School (ACHS) booster clubs that support band, choral, orchestra and sports are looking to raise money for their programs. The Alexandria Council of PTAs (PTAC) is also taking part in the event to raise funds to advance family equity in Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS). Your donation will provide financial support for family engagement activities in the schools that serve Alexandria's most vulnerable children.

“This year, PTAC will focus our efforts on creating field trip equity across the division, increasing family engagement at our Title I schools, supporting their membership campaigns and providing school supplies for those who need them,” PTAC President Missy Santoro Estabrook said.

School division PTA units have also independently signed up for the event to support their specific goals. “Giving campaigns like Spring2ACTion help us fund better communication with our families, better collaboration with our community partners and better advocacy efforts that allow us to speak up for every child,” Estabrook noted. “We’re so grateful to our hard-working units and the greater community that supports our efforts!”

Spring2ACTion is celebrating its 13th year. ACT for Alexandria’s goal for 2023 is to raise more than $2.5 million by securing 10,000 donors and 165 participating organizations.

  • 2022-23
  • Alexandria PTA Council