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Next Week: ACPS Families Invited to Title I Family Expo on Oct. 28, 2024

Next Week: ACPS Families Invited to Title I Family Expo on Oct. 28, 2024

Alexandria City Public Schools’ (ACPS) families are invited to attend the Title I Family Expo scheduled for Mon., Oct. 28, 2024, at Ferdinand T. Day Elementary School (FTD). The event will be held in the FTD cafeteria from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Registration for the Title I Family Expo is requested.

Title I funds provide supplemental assistance to schools with high concentrations of students living under low-income circumstances to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic content and achievement standards. The ACPS Office of Title I Programs provides leadership in the coordination of division offices and programs to implement school support structures. The purpose of the Title I, Part A grant is to ensure that all children are afforded the opportunity to receive an equitable and high-quality education as part of the division’s commitment to closing educational equity and opportunity gaps.

During the Title I Family Expo, families will learn how Title I funds support student achievement and how families can participate in events to support their student's education. Handouts on supporting students in reading and math will be provided. School and community resources will have on site vendor tables to provide information to families.

Families will also have the opportunity to join the Title I Committee, which is an organization of parents, school staff and community members from each Title I school. The committee provides feedback on the Title I program and reviews and makes suggestions on the Title I application for family engagement activities. The committee meets three times a year via Zoom. If you would like to join the Title I Committee, please select yes on the registration form or sign up during the Expo.

  • 2024-25