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PreK-8 Analysis Update Meetings Recordings Available

PreK-8 Analysis Update Meetings Recordings Available

Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) hosted update meetings on the post-survey analysis presented to the Alexandria City School Board regarding the PreK-8 Analysis on Wed., Nov. 20, 2024, and Thur., Nov. 21, 2024. The same presentation was presented each evening. Recordings of the meetings are now available.

The PreK–8 Analysis was originally presented to the School Board on Sept. 19, 2024, which detailed a high-level comparison of seven proposed models across common variables, including an overview of each model, key findings, human impact, programmatic impact, facilities impact, operational impact, capital impact and implementation timeline. On Oct. 24, 2024, a post-analysis summary was presented that detailed staff and community feedback, instructional insights and a deeper analysis of division impact on school boundary redistricting, comparative cost analysis and the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budget.

At this time, a decision has not yet been made on any changes to Jefferson-Houston preK-8 School or Patrick Henry K-8 School, as part of the PreK-8 Analysis. These schools have been included in the CIP budget as a placeholder since the analysis process is still underway.

  • 2024-25