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Samuel W. Tucker Elementary School Receives Purple Star Designation Award for Support to Military Families

Samuel W. Tucker Elementary School Receives Purple Star Designation Award for Support to Military Families

Samuel W. Tucker (Tucker) Elementary School has been honored with the prestigious Purple Star Designation Award for the 2024-25 school year. On Oct. 21, 2024, the Virginia Council on the Educational Opportunity for Military Children voted to approve Tucker as a recipient of this award, which recognizes schools that are committed to supporting students and families connected to the military. The Purple Star designation is valid for three school years, beginning with the current 2024-25 year.

Tucker joins Lyles-Crouch Traditional Academy as the second school in Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) to receive this distinguished honor. The Purple Star Designation Award is given to military-friendly schools that go above and beyond in providing critical resources and support to military families as they transition into the school community.

To earn this recognition, schools must complete specific requirements, such as appointing a staff member as a dedicated point of contact for military-connected students and their families, ensuring easy access to digital resources and establishing a student-led program to help ease the transition. Additionally, staff training and professional learning are offered to equip educators with the tools they need to effectively support military families.

This award is a testament to the dedication of the Tucker staff in providing a welcoming and supportive environment for military families. Over the next three years, the school will continue to strengthen its commitment to military connected families and their unique needs.

Congratulations to the entire Tucker community for this well-deserved honor!

  • 2024-25