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Share Your Voice - Take the Equity for All Climate Survey

Share Your Voice - Take the Equity for All Climate Survey

The fifth annual Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) Equity for All Climate Survey is now open to all preK-12 families, staff and students in grades 6-12. Taking this survey assists the school division in its efforts to attain an equitable learning environment in keeping with the goals set in the 2025 Strategic Plan

The survey results assist in establishing division priorities, security measures and out-of-school-time programming, to name a few. In addition, survey findings impact school and department improvement efforts.

This survey is a vital part of our ongoing mission to address barriers to learning as we strive to ensure student success. Stakeholders are invited to offer perceptions of the school division in areas including student learning, social-emotional support and safety.

The survey should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. An independent, third-party organization administers the survey, and all responses are confidential. The survey is available on our dedicated webpage in English, Spanish, Amharic, Arabic and Dari. Please complete this important survey by Sun., Feb. 23, 2025. Your voice makes a difference!

  • 2024-25