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SLEP Survey: Deadline Extended to Oct. 9, 2022

SLEP Survey: Deadline Extended to Oct. 9, 2022

This survey deadline has been extended! Please provide your feedback through the School + Law Enforcement Partnership (SLEP) Survey by 11:59 p.m. on Sun., Oct. 9. The survey should take 10-15 minutes for families, staff and students in Grades 6-12 to complete and is critical to the work of the SLEP Advisory Group to consider school safety and security.

Alexandria City Public Schools’ (ACPS) core values include ensuring our schools have a welcoming and safe learning environment for everyone. Results from this survey will be used to directly inform the SLEP Advisory Group in its upcoming December 2022 recommendations to the School Board for a reimagined partnership between ACPS and the Alexandria Police Department. Additionally, survey respondents will be able to indicate their interest in participating in upcoming focus group discussions about school and division safety and security.

For more information about the SLEP Advisory Group, please visit the ACPS website.

  • COVID-19
  • School + Law Enforcement Partnership Advisory Group