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Student Videos: Students React to the New Minnie Howard and Titan Energy

Student Videos: Students React to the New Minnie Howard and Titan Energy

To close out the school year, see students learn about the new Academies at Alexandria City High School and react to the new ACHS Minnie Howard building. Special thanks to the Tech Titans After-School STEM Club and National Institutes of Health's AIM-AHEAD program for the virtual reality (VR) headsets!

Finally, hear from current and rising Titans about the energy they want to bring into the upcoming school year and the new Minnie Howard building! Special thanks to ACHS Broadcasting Club students Evelyn Rivas, Li-ohn Ari Dienstfrey, Stella Huff and Sarah McBurney, and ACHS TV/Media Production teacher Vilma Zefran, for their support in producing this video.

  • 2023-24