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“Your Future Today” Mentoring Saturday Event on April 29, 2023

“Your Future Today” Mentoring Saturday Event on April 29, 2023

On Sat., April 29, 2023, Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) will host its first mentoring Saturday event, “Your Future Today,” geared toward Black/African American males in grades 8-12. In keeping with the “Equity for All'' focus of the ACPS Strategic Plan, this event will be centered on recognizing and mentoring to the unique needs of Black male youth. Our data reveal that this group of students is overrepresented in disciplinary outcomes, detainments/arrests and academic disparities. By developing strong mentor relationships, some of the challenges that Black male youth face can be mitigated, and the strength of the communities, families and cultures can be drawn upon to bolster their potential for success.

The “Your Future Today” event will be held at Francis C. Hammond Middle School (4646 Seminary Road) from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.  Some of the day’s activities will include:

  • Breakfast and peer networking.
  • Welcome from the interim superintendent and School Board members.
  • Opportunities to hear from Black male mentors on making wise decisions, understanding the law and overcoming obstacles.
  • Financial literacy class.
  • Etiquette class (to include lunch).

This event is designed to meet the unique needs of our Black/African American males, however, all students in grades 8-12 are welcome to register. If you are interested in registering your student for this event, please complete the registration form online.

  • 2022-23