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Annual Recruitment

Students in grades 5-9 who meet the required criteria have an opportunity to complete an application and interview with a panel of staff, students, and tutors. Additionally, a district-level panel will be interviewing a small group of potential candidates at each elementary school in preparation for AVID 6 at each middle school. Parent overview sessions take place at schools, but further information is available from each school's site coordinator. Please reach out to your child's school for more information and for the application packet. This year we will be conducting an e-Recruitment and Application process. For School Year 2024-25, an online application portal will be available beginning January 9, 2024 for a small cohort of students moving into 9th and 10th grades. Seats are limited due to staffing, so not all students will be selected for an interview or accepted into AVID for the Fall of 2024. In any case, an AVID waitlist is created to support future enrollment if seats open up in the future. Please reach out to counselors if your child is highly interested.

For rising 6th-grade AVID elective students wanting to take AVID in 6th grade, a select number of 5th-graders are first recommended by counselors in the early spring. Onsite interviews will take place at each elementary school and a small group of committed students will be accepted at FCH, GW, Jeff Houston, and Patrick Henry.  If students are not accepted to enroll in 6th grade, they are encouraged to re-apply for AVID 7 where there are additional expansion opportunities.

Please keep in mind that only FCH and GW afford the AVID Excel elective class, which is for long-term multi-lingual learners who are receiving formal English language services but have acquired enough to be considered for Excel in lieu of their English for Academic Purposes support class. For more information about AVID Excel, see the AVID EXCEL page.

For more site-specific information, please contact Shanel (Brittany) Thomas at Francis C. Hammond, Stacy Palmer at George Washington, Deedra Robinson at Jefferson-Houston, Michelle Hogan at Patrick Henry or Erin Triplett at A.C High School.


Top 10 Recruitment Questions

How can I find out more about AVID in ACPS?

Contact your local school's AVID Site Coordinator or elective teacher.  The counselor can also provide a brief overview of the elective course and what it has to offer.  Learn more

What is AVID?

AVID is a college readiness system that works to decrease the achievement gap between student groups and prepares all students for a global society.  It serves as an equalizer and prepares students to be able to enroll and persists in a four-year higher education institute.  AVID also serves as a school-wide reform model that transforms instruction, leadership approaches, school-wide systems, and school culture to ensure that all students are primed for post-high school training or educational pathway.

What kind of commitment is expected for the AVID elective?

First and foremost, students must have a desire to be part of the AVID elective course.  Students sign a contract showing a stated interest and they are expected to be at their best at all times.  AVID Center studies show that students who are a part of AVID for three or more years and participate through their senior year out perform their peers nationally in most categories including on-time graduation, college acceptance, and college persistence.

Where is AVID in ACPS?

Present since 2008, AVID is now a part of all secondary schools in ACPS.  The AVID System is part of all schools through staff development and common cultural norms related to the college-going process. The AVID elective course plays a role in this effort where students in grade 6-12 apply, are accepted, and enroll in the course over a series of years.  AVID Elementary is a systematic model used at Cora Kelly Elementary where alignment of instruction, leadership, systems, and culture all promote rigor and student success. AVID Elementary school students plan and realize their path to success through thoughtful organization, goal setting, and development of student agency. Jefferson Houston and Patrick Henry engage in both the AVID Elementary and Secondary system and afford the elective course to some middle school students. AVID Excel is only available at FCH and GW at this time due to the English Learner population enrollment.

How do I know if I fit the AVID elective criteria?

AVID students are typically average to above average academically and are students who want to attain a four-year college education. These students agree to take on rigorous courses and abide by the AVID processes expected while a member of the AVID family.  AVID students are generally members of an underserved sub-group, may be first in their family to attend college, may be second-language learners, receive free or reduced lunch, or may have a special circumstance where AVID can serve as a support for him/her.  AVID Excel students have been in the United States for at least five years and are still learning the English language. Above all, AVID students are determined to do well and want to advance who they are as they prepare for higher education.

What happens if I am not accepted to AVID initially?

Students in grades 5-9 can apply for the AVID elective during course scheduling with their counselor in the spring.  Students must complete an application and go through an interview process. If a student is not accepted, it may mean they are just not ready "yet."  Depending on the individual situation, a student may prepare to reapply later that year or up until the end of 9th grade.  Not all students are accepted and seating capacity has become a challenge, so schools may use a "wait list" process in case a seat opens later on.

At what grade level can I apply to the AVID elective course?

Students can self-select to apply in grades 6-10, however, the rising 9-10 graders must apply via the online application portal as of 2024 once they are recommended.

How is the avid elective different from that of avid excel in middle school?

The AVID elective is for students in the local “academic middle” with strong language skills who have the desire and determination to attend college and just need some tips, tricks, and opportunity knowledge along the way. AVID Excel is for long-term multi-lingual students (in the U.S. for 5 or more years) who are still receiving language support based on standardized scores. They too have a desire for college but will receive a more aligned curriculum to boost academic language for content area learning before transitioning into the AVID elective course in 9th grade.

what happens if i do not continue to meet the avid enrollment criteria?

Students are provided support along the way, including a quarterly progress monitoring plan/contract in case they have two or more grades below a “C.” Additionally, students will have the entire school year to work toward student-identified goals by meeting with their AVID mentor and core teachers in an effort to increase their success before they may be recommended for the AVID Exit process. This is a process led by the local Site Team and counselor with involvement from the family. Students may be asked to recommit to de-commit based on the final outcomes.

what special benefits will the avid elective or excel afford me if i am already a strong student?

AVID not only supports all students using a growth mindset and asset-based approach, but they provide numerous experiences to support opportunity knowledge that includes in-depth college knowledge lessons, college campus visits each year, and ongoing career speakers interactions that are filled with real-world connections. Additionally, students receive tutoring support from a team of tutors during the actual AVID elective class time, a priceless bonus that no other course can offer. AVID is a FAMILY over the series of years- and remains available to students to and through high school graduation and beyond.