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Dual Language Program Parent Resources

Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) Dual Language Program: Family Resources

Understanding Dual Language Programs

Supporting Your Emerging Bilingual Child

Spanish for Adults

Spanish for Children

Academic Enrichment in Spanish

  • Brainpop Movies, quizzes, activities and more in English and Spanish
  • Eduteka Challenge-based learning, Facebook for learning, use of video and folklore
  • Salonhogar Games for core subjects in Spanish and ESL

Reading and Writing



  • Cientec This site, from Fundación para el Centro Nacional de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, CIENTEC, contains science games and experiments. It is completely in Spanish.
  • Discovery Education Age appropriate videos in Spanish and English to support the science curriculum (see your school TIS for password)
  • Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales National Museum of Natural Sciences of Spain
  • My Family Traditions: A Class Book and a Potluck Lunch (Grades 3-5) After analyzing Family Pictures/Cuadros de Familia by Carmen Lomas Garza, students create a class book with artwork and information about their ancestry, traditions, and recipes, followed by a potluck lunch.

Social Studies

  • Hispanic Heritage Month - September 15-October 15 (Grades 5-12) Students brainstorm all the various aspects of Hispanic culture and compile topics to research. Groups then research topics and present their information to the class.
  • Investigating Names to Explore Personal History and Cultural Traditions (Grades 6-8) Students investigate the meanings and origins of their names in order to establish their own personal histories and to explore the cultural significance of naming traditions.
  • Teaching for Change Provides teachers and parents with the tools to create schools where students learn to read, write and change the world.