Student Assignments
ACPS course and instructional assignments guidelines and information
Course assignments can provide an essential communication link between the school and the home. One measure of a program or course is the quality of the work completed by the student.
A sound program of course assignments can greatly enhance a strong home-school partnership, with many lasting benefits for the individual student and his/her family. In addition, course assignments can be an important tool in developing independent thought, self-direction, and self discipline. They can assist the student in developing good work habits and in the wise use of time.
Policies and related Regulations IKD-R and IKB-R and the other policy documents at the link provide important insights about the purpose of students’ instructional assignments, including both in-class and out-of-class assignments.
According to these policies, you should see evidence in your children’s assignments that they reinforce students’ mastery of curriculum standards, address the developmental needs of every student, are relevant to learners’ instructional program, and demonstrate sensitivity to the background experiences of students.
Both the elementary and secondary policies also emphasize that students’ classwork should be clear in its purpose and the format in which learners will express their knowledge, skills and understandings. Students should know what they are expected to do, why they are expected to do it, and how they will be evaluated on their work products and performances.
Assignments should not be made for disciplinary purposes.
Assignments should require a reasonable amount of time. For example, the elementary regulations provide suggestions for grade level homework and reading time allocations.
Course assignments should not be given over long vacation breaks, including the two-block days preceding a vacation break at the high school level.
Significant long-term assignments should be due not earlier than five days or later when students return from long vacation breaks.
Teachers should avoid “traffic-jam periods” when a significant number of long-term assignments are due at the same time.
These policies and regulations reinforce the need for educators to keep open lines of communication with parents/guardians, ensuring that every assignment’s purpose, directions and grading criteria are evident to both learners and their families.