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Employee Health & Wellness: Meal Planning Tips

Employee Health & Wellness: Meal Planning Tips

With the cost of groceries increasing, it can be difficult to adopt healthy choices. People may find themselves having to make difficult decisions and feel like it is not possible to eat well on a budget. Planning your meals ahead of time can save you the stress on your next trip to the grocery store.

A great way to reduce food costs is by planning out your meals. It is common to be an impulse buyer during grocery store visits. You may initially have an idea of what you want to buy, but as you navigate through the store, you find yourself buying unintended items. Planning out your meals ahead of time and creating a shopping list for yourself can keep you disciplined during your shopping experience.

A common misconception about meal planning is that you have to eat the same meal every day, but this does not have to be the case. Finding meals with common ingredients can ensure your meals are exciting. It can also maximize the use of your groceries. You may often find when grocery shopping that you need one item for a single recipe. Planning ahead of time can guarantee the use of an item across multiple meals.

When putting together your meal plan, consider a dish that can be prepared in large quantities and preserved in the freezer for later. Meals such as soup, chili and lasagna can all be frozen and reheated easily, saving both energy and time while being cost efficient. Meal planning can also be a fun family activity, as well as a cost-effective way to manage your budget.

  • 2022-23
  • Staff Engagement
  • health and wellness