Reminder: Review Your Employee Contract for the 2024-25 School Year by July 1, 2024
The Alexandria City Public Schools Department of Human Resources would like to share some important and exciting highlights regarding employee contracts for the 2024-25 school year:
- The Alexandria City School Board is expecting to approve both a step increase and 1.5% market rate adjustment (MRA) for all contracted employee groups.
- Contracts are in the process of being emailed in batches by employee groups, so some employees may receive their contract before others receive their contract.
- All employees are required to review and confirm acceptance of their contract via the electronic signature process in TalentEd as soon as possible.
- A key enhancement for the 2024-25 school year is the addition of a new step at the top of the scale for all salary scales of 3%.
For additional information or questions about employee contracts, please contact
- 2023-24
- Staff Engagement