Policy Revisions
At the Alexandria City School Board meeting on December 19, 2024, the School Board amended nine policies and one regulation, the superintendent revised two regulations and established one new regulation. The following is a summary of the key changes, additional details are available on BoardDocs.
DAB - Operating Fund Balance
- Five-Year Review
- Standard Changes
- Added headings to improve readability
- Removed the requirement for the annual review of policy and procedures
DGC - School Activity Funds
DGC-R - Student Activity Funds Manual
- Five-Year Review
- Added that vending machine proceeds are not part of the nutrition fund
- Clarified the responsibilities for monthly reporting and preparation for the annual audit
- Transitioned DGC-R from a regulation to a stand-alone document
DLB - Salary Deductions
- Five-Year Review
- Updated the list of deductions, so it is comprehensive
- Revised the reference to note that details about deductions provided to employees
- Relocated some content about the 403b and 457 plans to GBOA - Voluntary Retirement Savings Program
DM - Cash in School Buildings
- Five-Year Review
- Minor grammatical correction
DO - Non-Locally Funded Programs
- Five-Year Review
- Standard Changes
- Minor rewording to align with the Virginia School Board Association (VSBA) model
- Content reordered to improve readability
EA - Support Services
- Five-Year Review
- Standard changes
- VSBA alignment - expands the scope to provide efficient and cost-effective support services for schools
- Changed the title to Non-Instructional Support Services to better reflect the content of the policy
EBCD-R - School Closures and Essential Personnel Regulations
- Five-Year Review
- Requested update
- Updated Facilities and Operations Essential Personnel to reflect organizational chart changes
EDC - Authorized Use of School Division-Owned Facilities and Materials
- Five-Year Review
- Minor rewording to improve readability
EI - Insurance Management
- Five-Year Review
- Standard changes
- Minor rewording to align with the Virginia School Board Association (VSBA) model
GAB-R3 - Email Signature
- New regulation
- Places into governance the required and optional elements of staff email signatures
GBOA - Voluntary Retirement Savings Program
- Requested review
- Content related to the School Board’s ability to discontinue plans relocated from DLB - Salary Deductions
IIBEA-R3 - Student Use of Personal Mobile Devices
- Required change due to the establishment of the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) Guidance for Cell Phone-Free Education document (VDOE guidance).
- Added definitions from the VDOE guidance.
- Smart watches are now treated the same as cell phones, per VDOE guidance.
- Required that devices be stored ‘bell-to-bell’ at all levels, per VDOE guidance.
- Removed staff discretion to use cell phones as part of the instructional program at all levels.
- Removed permission to use cell phones during passing periods/lunch for high school.
- Removed permission to use cell phones on school grounds for elementary schools without parental permission.
- Added that exceptions must be part of an established plan (504, IEP, health care, etc.), per VDOE guidance.
- Added school-sponsored events and non-building instructional activities to the table, as required under VDOE guidance.
- Added “breadcrumbs” to the table to improve readability.
- Added a reference to the VDOE Cell Phone guidance document.
ACPS has over 400 policies and regulations which are systematically revised prior to being presented to the School Board for information. The revision process includes alignment with the associated Virginia School Board Association (VSBA) model policy, alignment with the Code of Virginia, an equity review, a legal review, revisions by a team of staff members, a Senior Leadership Team review and a School Board Governance Committee review. Public input on proposed revisions is taken at School Board Governance Committee meetings and during regular School Board meetings.
Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) policy revisions that are adopted by the Alexandria City School Board are available to access on our website, with staff being notified through the ACPS Insider newsletter. These are updates of existing Board policies, and we are informing staff of these changes as they govern school division operations. For more details about the policy revisions adopted by the School Board, please visit the webpage.
At the Alexandria City School Board meeting on Dec. 5, 2024, the School Board amended seven policies and the superintendent revised two regulations. The following is a summary of the key changes, details are available on BoardDocs.
AFA - Evaluation of School Board Operational Procedures
- 5-Year Review
- Standard Changes
BDDF - Voting
- 5-year review
- Standard changes
- Added a provision that votes are only taken at meetings where there is a quorum
BHD - School Board Member Compensation and Benefits
- 5-year review
- Standard changes
BHE - School Board Member Insurance
- 5-year review
- Standard changes
- Added “Liability” to the title to align with the VSBA model policy
- Minor rewording to improve clarity
CMA - School Quality Profiles
- 5-year review
- Standard changes
- Struck reference to IB and Cambridge information as ACPS does not provide these options.
- Changed to title to School Quality Profiles to reflect the content
GCBD-R - Staff Leaves and Absences Regulations
- Requested review
- Added specificity to the existing prohibition on taking leave adjacent to a holiday. The regulation now clarifies this applies on school days and specific actions for employees who do not report to work on these days
- Updated the long term leave section to fully document existing practices
- Transitioned the leave accrual table to bullets for accessible web posting
JFCJ - Written Notification of Violation of School Policies by Students in Alternative Education Programs
- 5-year review
- Standard changes
- VSBA model policy alignment
LA - Education Agency Relations Goals
LA-R - Education Agency Relations Goals Regulations
- 5-year review
- VSBA model policy alignment
- Expanded to scope to include staff, current version only references students
- Retired the regulation as it is redundant with the policy content
ACPS has more than 400 policies and regulations which are systematically revised prior to being presented to the School Board for information. The revision process includes alignment with the associated VSBA model policy, alignment with the Code of Virginia, an equity review, a legal review, revisions by a team of staff members, a Senior Leadership Team review, and a School Board Policy Committee review. Public input on proposed revisions is taken at School Board Policy Committee meetings and regular School Board meetings.
Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) policy revisions that are adopted by the Alexandria City School Board are available to access on our website, with staff being notified through the ACPS Insider newsletter. These are updates of existing Board policies, and we are informing staff of these changes as they govern school division operations. For more details about the policy revisions adopted by the School Board, please visit the webpage.
At the Alexandria City School Board meeting on Oct. 10, 2024, the School Board amended eight policies and the superintendent revised one regulation. The following is a summary of the key changes, details are available on BoardDocs.
GEA - Acceptance of Electronic Signatures and Records (also JOH)
- Reason: Five-year review
- Standard changes
IIAE - Innovative or Experimental Programs
- Reason: Five-year review
- Standard changes
GAB-R2 - Telecommunications Use (also IIBEA-R2)
- Reason: Five-year review
- Removed the IIBEA-R2 from the title as this only applies to staff
- Removed the purpose statement per the style guide
- Added breadcrumbs to the non-discrimination policy for accommodations
KFB - Administration of Surveys and Questionnaires
- Reason: Five-year review
- Standard changes
- Relocated the definitions to the top of the policy per the style guide
- Modernized the examples of instructional materials
- Added review of questionnaire occurs in a manner mutually agreed upon by the school and parent
KM - Relations with Community Organizations
- Reason: Five-year review
- No VSBA model policy
- The content is redundant with other policies
- Recommended for retirement
KMA - Relations with Parent Organizations
- Reason: Five-year review
- Standard Changes
- Minor rewording to align with the Virginia School Board Association (VSBA) model
- Removed content redundant with policy KF & KM
KNB - Reports of Missing Children
- Reason: Five-year review
- Standard changes
KP - Parental Rights and Responsibilities
- Reason: Five-year review
- Reworded to improve clarity
- Reorganized to improve readability and alignment with the VSBA model
LB - Relations with Private Schools
- Reason: Five-year review
- VSBA model policy alignment
- Removed prohibition against entering into agreements with private schools to transport students. Agreements are permitted under the code.
ACPS has more than 400 policies and regulations which are systematically revised prior to being presented to the School Board for information. The revision process includes alignment with the associated VSBA model policy, alignment with the Code of Virginia, an equity review, a legal review, revisions by a team of staff members, a Senior Leadership Team review and a School Board Policy Committee review. Public input on proposed revisions is taken at School Board Policy Committee meetings and regular School Board meetings.
Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) policy revisions that are adopted by the Alexandria City School Board are available to access on our website, with staff being notified through the ACPS Insider newsletter. These are updates of existing School Board policies, and we are informing staff of these changes as they govern school division operations. For more details about the policy revisions adopted by the School Board, please visit the webpage.
At the Alexandria City School Board meeting on May 23, 2024, the School Board amended 10 policies, the superintendent revised two associated regulations. The following is a summary of the key changes, details are available on Electronic School Board:
CBB - Appointment and Term of the Superintendent
- 5-year review
- Standard changes
CBD - Superintendent's Compensation and Benefits
- 5-year review
- Standard changes
- Minor reorganization
CBE - Superintendent's Severance Benefits
- 5-year review
- Affirmed other than cross references
GBO - Virginia Retirement System
- 5-year review
- Standard changes
- VSBA model policy alignment
GCBA - Staff Salary Schedules
- 5-year review
- Standard changes
- Replaced ‘salary schedule’ with ‘salary scales’
GCBC - Staff Fringe Benefits
- 5-year review
- Standard Changes
- VSBA Model Policy assignment
- Removed the term ‘fringe’ as benefits are a core element of staff compensation
GCBEA - Leave Without Pay
- Required modifications identified via the policy audit
- Code alignment
- Added breadcrumbs to Staff Leaves and Absences
- Removed content redundant with the regulation
IGBH - Alternative School Programs
IGBH-R - Alternative School Programs Regulations
- 5-year review
- Standard changes
- VSBA model policy alignment
- Added a definition from the Virginia Administrative Code
- New accompanying regulation
- Moved proposal process and details from policy
- Added a monitoring and revisions process to support evaluation plan
INDC - Religion in the Schools
- 5 year review
- Standard changes
- Added that ACPS may provide a comparative religion class (per the code)
KC - Community Involvement in Decision Making
- 5-year review
- Standard changes
- Aligned the content with the code
LEA - Student Teaching and Internships
LEA-R - Student Teaching and Internships Regulations
- 5-year review
- New regulation
- Clarified that HR consults with Student Services and Principals in placements
At the Alexandria City School Board meeting on June 6, 2024, the School Board amended 14 policies, and the superintendent revised five regulations and established five new regulations. The following is a summary of the key changes, details are available on Electronic School Board:
GBOA - Voluntary Retirement Savings Program
- Discrepancy discovered during audit
- Added the 403b and 457 plans to the list of voluntary retirement savings plans offered by ACPS.
GCBD - Staff Leaves and Absences
GCBD-R - Staff Leaves and Absences Regulations
GCBD-R2 - Voluntary Donated Leave Regulations
- 5-year review
- Standard Changes
- Added definitions for employee groups
- Updated the types of leave that are earned at given points in time
- Minor reorganization
- Corrected the leave accrual table
- Clarified the religious leave language
- Clarified that only continuing contract employees may request long term leave (except for long term child care leave)
- Added a new regulation for voluntary donated leave
GCBE - Family and Medical Leave
- 5-year review
- Standard changes
- Alphabetized the definitions
- Reorganization to improve readability and align with the VSBA model
GCBEB - Military Leave and Benefits
- 5-year review
- Updated the length of leave to 21 days of paid leave for a federally funded tour of duty per the VSBA model
GCI - Licensed Staff Assignments and Transfers
GCI-R - Licensed Staff Assignments and Transfers Regulation
- 5-year review and preparation for redistricting
- Added definitions
- Reorganized the voluntary transfers process to provide greater clarity
GDI - Support Staff Assignments and Transfers
GDI-R - Support Staff Assignments and Transfers Regulation
- 5-year review and preparation for redistricting
- Added definitions
- Added a due date for voluntary transfers for the upcoming school year
- New regulation which mirrors the licenced staff regulation
IC/ID-R - School Year Calendar Regulations
- Requested review
- Adjusted conference days to add flexibility in scheduling
- Included evening cultural observance days
- Error corrections
- Veterans Day was omitted in the original document
- Orthodox Epiphany was listed twice
IGBF - Limited English Proficient Students
IGBF-R English Learners Identification and Assessment Regulations
- 5-year review
- VSBA model policy alignment
- Standard changes
- Added that services are provided until age 22
- Added notification requirements of testing accommodations for certain examinations
- Created a new regulation with procedures for identification, assessment, placement, and monitoring.
- Includes clarification that ELs are placed in grade levels at the HS using the same criteria as non-ELs.
- Added a section to the regulation around equity for ELs
IGBI - Advanced Placement and Dual Enrollment Courses
IGBI-R - IGBI-R - Notification of Advanced Placement Classes and Special Programs
- 5-year review
- Added a Board Belief Statement
- Revised the list of programs that ACPS informs families about
- Updated the title to reflect the expanded scope of programs
- Added a regulation per the requirement of the code
- Relocated the quality points section to improve readability
IKE-R - Regulations for Retention and Promotion
- Updated to reflect VDOE guidance on grade level placements
- Updated to reflect the change in the title of student’s academic plan
- Updated LEP students to EL students
- Updated the title of the Executive Director of School Leadership
IKF - The Virginia Assessment Program and Graduation Requirements
- Code Change (2023)
- Revised Per the 2023 amendment of Va. Code § 22.1-253.13:3 by HB 2225/SB 1253.
- Certain student assessment results; availability.
IKFD - Credit by Exam
IKFD-R - Credit by Exam Regulations
- 5-year review
- Standard changes
- Title change to better reflect the content of the policy
- VSBA model policy alignment
- Organized the options for earning credits into a waiver section per the code.
- Struck language from the regulation which was time limited
- Increased the number of credits that can be awarded for world languages from 3 to 4.
- Added that the Board pays the costs of the exams
- Added that Languages available for high school credit are dependent on assessments approved and vetted by the VDOE for the World Language Requirement of the Seal of Biliteracy.
JFG - Search and Seizure
- Requested review
- Updated the definitions
- Struck language around law enforcement officers ability to search that wasn’t in the model policy
- Added a section on strip searches
- Clarified that school rules apply to parking lots and vehicles are subject to search
- Removed references to 4th amendment rights
JL - Fundraising and Solicitation
- 5-year review
- Standard changes
- Added a provision that fundraising must be safe and age appropriate
- Added that fundraising activities are periodically reported to the Board.
JM - Managing Student Behaviors in Emergency Situations
JM-R - Regulations for the Management of Student Behavior in Emergency Situations
- Required annual review
- Standard Changes
- Moved the content of the current policy into a new regulation. Replaced the policy content with the VSBA model policy
- Generalized SROs into Alexandria Police Department staff to broaden the scope
- Removed training of the SROs as they are not permitted to be involved in these interventions
ACPS has more than 400 policies and regulations which are systematically revised prior to being presented to the School Board for information. The revision process includes alignment with the associated Virginia School Boards Association (VSBA) model policy, alignment with the Code of Virginia, an equity review, a legal review, revisions by a team of staff members, a Senior Leadership Team review and a School Board Policy Committee review. Public input on proposed revisions is taken at School Board Policy Committee meetings and regular School Board meetings.
Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) policy revisions that are adopted by the Alexandria City School Board are available to access on our website, with staff being notified through the ACPS Insider newsletter. These are updates of existing Board policies, and we are informing staff of these changes as they govern school division operations. For more details about the policy revisions adopted by the School Board, please visit the webpage.
At the Alexandria City School Board meeting on May 9, 2024, the School Board amended the following 14 policies and seven regulations. The following is a summary of the key changes, details are available on Electronic School Board.
CBG - Evaluation of the Superintendent
- Code change
- Added element about ongoing two-way dialog
- Policy updated to reflect requirement of HB 1904/SB 1196 (2021).
- Teachers and other licensed school board employees; cultural competency.
- Legal Reference updated
EBBA - First Aid, CPR and AED Certified Personnel (also GBEG)
- Code Change
- Standard changes
- Policy updated to reflect amendment of Va. Code §§ 22.1-271.2 and 54.1-2957.02 by 2023
- SB 975. Certified nurse midwives, certified registered nurse anesthetists, clinical nurse specialists, and nurse practitioners; designation as advanced practice registered nurses.
GBG - Staff Participation in Political Activities and School Board Election Campaigns
- 5-year review
- VSBA model policy alignment
- Relocated content relating to individuals running for the School Board to the ACPS website.
- Renamed policy to limit scope to staff participation in political activities
GBL - Personnel Records
GBL-R - Personnel Records Regulations
- 5-year review
- VSBA model policy alignment
- Struck provision that permitted maintaining information after an allegation was determined to be unfounded
- New regulation that lists the contents of the employee record, based on the Virginia Administrative Code
- Added a provision permitting the maintenance of transactional information which informs items that will go into the permanent record.
GCPA - Reduction in Licensed Staff Workforce
GCPA-R - Reduction in Licensed Staff Workforce Regulations
- 5-year review
- VSBA model policy alignments
- Limited the recall order of RIFed staff to seniority
- Added that staff who have been identified for RIF may apply for any open position and will only be RIFed if they are unable to find a new position
- Added that recalled RIFed staff will be placed by the Superintendent
- Added that a RIFed staff member who received unsatisfactory ratings on their most recent summative evaluation will not be recalled.
GCQA - Non-school Employment by Staff Members
- 5 year review
- Standard changes
- Updated leave exception authorization from the Chief Human Resources Officer to the Superintendent or Superintendent’s Designee
- Added cross-references
GCQAB - Tutoring for Pay
- 5 year review
- Standard changes
- Removed redundant wording
- Clarified which organizations might sponsor tutoring
- Removed inaccurate provision regarding how staff members are paid for tutoring from other organization
- Removed provision preventing ACPS from providing a stipend to teachers for additional tutoring
IGAE/IGAF - Health/Physical Education
- Requested review
- Added a clarification that the right to opt out of Family Life Education does not extend to the rest of the Health and PE curriculum.
IGBD - Extended Day Opportunities
- 5-year review
- Standard changes
- Added a definition of Extended Instructional Day to clarify the intent of the policy
- Changed references and policy title to Extended Instructional Day
IGBG - Off-Site Instruction and Virtual Courses
IGBGA - Online Courses and Virtual School Programs
IGBGA-R - ACPS Online Learning Program
- 5 year review
- Added a vision statement
- Clarified the definitions
- Renamed the ACPS full day virtual program the ACPS Virtual Academy
- Added the benefits of online courses and the ACPS Virtual Academy
- Clarified the enrollment process
- Clarified that tuition is only charged during summer and at the same rate as in-person summer school
- Added processes to the regulation
- Revised the roles in the regulation to improve clarity.
IKH - Retaking SOL Assessments
IKH-R - Retaking SOL Assessments Regulations
- 5 year Review
- VSBA model policy alignment
- Added that students in Grades K-2 are not required to retake SOL assessments, the current version states Grades 3-8.
- Relocated content not in the VSBA model policy to a new regulation
- Minor adjustments to improve readability
IM - Evaluation of Instructional Programs
- 5 year review
- No model policy
- Standard changes
- Updated state and federal reporting groups
JEG – Exclusions and Exemptions from School Attendance
JEG-R – Protocol on Religious Exemptions
- 5-year review
- Standard changes
- Added breadcrumbs to Policy LBD – Home Instruction
- Reorganization to improve readability
- Emphasized that religious exemptions must be from a bona fide religious training or belief
- Revised the process to reflect this a Board process
JM - Managing Student Behaviors in Emergency Situations
JM-R - Regulations for the Management of Student Behavior in Emergency Situations
- 5 year review
- Standard Changes
- VSBA model policy alignment
- Addition of restorative approaches when recovering fees
- The regulation is from the budget (pp 74-75 in the FY24 budget book) and is approved as part of the budget process
Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) policy revisions that are adopted by the Alexandria City School Board are available to access on our website, with staff being notified through the ACPS Insider newsletter. These are updates of existing School Board policies and we are informing staff of these changes as they govern school division operations. For more details about the policy revisions adopted by the School Board, please visit the webpage.
At the Alexandria City School Board meeting on April 25, 2024, the School Board amended 13 policies; the superintendent has approved the changes to the associated regulations. The following is a summary of the key changes, details are available on Electronic School Board.
GAH - School Employee Conflict of Interests
- 5 year review
- Standard changes
GBM - Licensed Staff Grievances
GBMA - Support Staff Grievances
GBM-R - Licensed Staff Grievances Regulations
GBMA-R - Support Staff Grievances Regulations
- 5-year review
- VSBA model policy alignment
- Standard changes
- Merged regulations GBM-R and GBMA-R
- Updated the regulation to provide breadcrumbs to the VAC rather than replicating the VAC.
- Clarified that the procedures are the same for all staff
GBN - Application for Positions
- 5-year review
- VSBA model policy alignment
- Standard changes
- Added that the Superintendent will develop procedures to fill vacancies
- Minor rewording to improve readability
- Added that forms are digital
GC - Licensed Staff
- Code change (2023)
- Added that teachers who have met qualifications and are awaiting VBOE licensure approval are eligible to teach
- Updated to clarify that the teacher only needs to receive a satisfactory evaluation on their provisional license if they are employed, per the amendment of Va. Code § 22.1-299 by HB 2375 and SB 1052.
GCDA - Effect of Criminal Conviction or Founded Complaint of Child Abuse or Neglect
- Code Change (2023)
- Standard changes
- Added a statement that the Board does not employ individuals who have a pattern of criminal convictions related to their position
- Updated to include the solicitation of sexual offenses per the amendment of Va. Code § 22.1-296.1 by HB 1822.
- Public school employees; offense involving solicitation of sexual molestation, physical or sexual abuse, or rape of a child; penalty.
GCE - Part Time and Substitute Licensed Staff Employment
- Code change (2023)
- Title changed to Substitute Teachers
- Relocated information about Homebound, Part-time, Substitute Teachers to GCF
- Relocated information about student teachers and interns to LEA
- Policy updated to reflect enactment of Acts 2023, c. 641, derived from HB 2457, and to reflect content of Legal References.
- Public elementary and secondary school teachers; frequency of certain training activities; length of temporary teacher employment.
GCF - Part Time Licensed Staff Employment
- New Policy
- Created to make it easier to find governance over part-time teachers
- Content relocated from GCE
GCL - Professional Staff Development
- Code change (2023)
- Standard changes
- Updated to use the term Professional Learning
- Added a requirement to align Professional Learning with national standards
- Updated enactment of Va. Code § 22.1-298.8 by HB 2457 which provides limits on professional learning.
- Policy updated to reflect the amendment of Va. Code § 22.1-253.13:5 by HB 319/SB 616 (2022)
- Virginia Literacy Act; early student literacy; evidence-based literacy instruction; science-based reading research.
- Policy updated to reflect the amendment of Va. Code § 22.1-253.13:5 by HB 1526 and SB 1175 (2023).
- Student literacy measures; scope; students in grades four through eight.
GCPF - Suspension of Staff Members
- 5-year review
- Standard Changes
GCQB - Staff Research and Publishing
- 5-year review
- Standard Changes
GD - Support Staff
- 5-year review
- VSBA model policy alignment
GDB - Support Staff Employment Status
- 5-year review
- VSBA model policy alignment
GDG - Support Staff Probationary Period
- 5-year review
- VSBA model policy alignment
ACPS has more than 400 policies and regulations which are systematically revised prior to being presented to the School Board for information. The revision process includes alignment with the associated Virginia School Boards Association (VSBA) model policy, alignment with the Code of Virginia, an equity review, a legal review, revisions by a team of staff members, a Senior Leadership Team review and a School Board Policy Committee review. Public input on proposed revisions is taken at School Board Policy Committee meetings and regular School Board meetings.
Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) policy revisions that are adopted by the Alexandria City School Board are available to access on our website, with staff being notified through the ACPS Insider newsletter. These are updates of existing Board policies, and we are informing staff of these changes as they govern school division operations. For more details about the policy revisions adopted by the School Board, please visit the webpage.
At the Alexandria City School Board meeting on April 11, 2024, the School Board amended the following five policies:
AA - School Division Legal Status
- 5-year review
- Is aligned with the VSBA model policy, no changes
BBBB - Student Representatives to the School Board
BBBB-R - Student Representatives to the School Board - Regulations and Application
BBBB-R2 - Middle School Student Student Representatives Regulations and Application
- Requested Review
- Standard changes
- Added the International Academy student representative
- Clarified attendance requirements
- Removed the application
- Replaced the MS representatives with a MS listening model using the MS SCA
- Retired the MS regulation
CA – Superintendent Duties
- 5-year review
- Standard changes
- Title revised to better reflect policy content
- Struck duplicative language concerning the coordination of communication within the school system and community
JCE - Redistricting Implementation
JCE-R - Redistricting Implementation Regulations
- Requested review
- Retired as the implementation from the 2018 redistricting is complete
JHG/GAE - Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting
JHG-R/GAE-R - Regulations for Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting
JHG-R/GAE-R - Interagency Reporting Agreement
- 5 year review
- Standard Changes
- Clarified that the policy and regulation focus on any child abuse and neglect reporting. As currently worded it might be inferred that this was focused on child abuse and neglect by ACPS staff. Staff abuse would be covered by Policy GBBA.
- Added a provision that substantial revisions to the Interagency Reporting Agreement will be reported to the Virginia Board of Education.
- The current regulation is the Interagency Reporting Agreement and does not provide a clear process for ACPS staff to follow.
- The Interagency Reporting Agreement will become a stand-alone agreement between the City and ACPS (not a regulation).
- Created a new regulation to provide clear child abuse and neglect reporting processes for ACPS staff to follow.
ACPS has more than 400 policies and regulations which are systematically revised prior to being presented to the School Board for information. The revision process includes alignment with the associated Virginia School Boards Association (VSBA) model policy, alignment with the Code of Virginia, an equity review, a legal review, revisions by a team of staff members, a Senior Leadership Team review and a School Board Policy Committee review. Public input on proposed revisions is taken at School Board Policy Committee meetings and regular School Board meetings.
Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) policy revisions that are adopted by the Alexandria City School Board are available to access on our website, with staff being notified through the ACPS Insider newsletter. These are updates of existing Board policies, and we are informing staff of these changes as they govern school division operations. For more details about the policy revisions adopted by the School Board, please visit the webpage.
At the Alexandria City School Board meeting on March 7, 2024, the School Board amended five policies and retired one policy. The following is a summary of the key changes, details are available on Electronic School Board.
JCE – Redistricting Implementation
JCE-R – Redistricting Implementation Regulations
- Requested review
- Policy and Regulation are being retired as the prior redistricting implementation is complete
- A new policy and regulation will be developed to support implementation of the next redistricting
KF - Distribution of Information/Materials
KF-R - Regulations for Distribution of Information/Materials in Schools By Non-School Organizations
- 5-year review
- Standard changes
- Minor reorganization to improve readability
- Added that distributed information will not promote discrimination
- Added VSBA language clarifying how student handle information/materials
- Added language addressing use of ACPS logo
- Updated the regulation title to clarify this only refers to Non-School Organizations
KG - Community Use of Schools Facilities
KG-R - Community Use of Schools Facilities Regulations and Application
- 5-year review
- Standard changes
- Revised to align with the VSBA Model Policy
- Reorganized to improve readability
- Added Superintendent’s designee also responsible for working with City to develop City Facilities Use and Maintenance Agreement
- Removed facilities use protocols related to COVID 19
- Clarified the reasons the community can use ACPS facilities
- Revised so Department of Facilities and Operations is contacted for use of facilities
- Replaced T. C. Williams H. S. with ACHS
- Reorganization to improve readability
- Revised procedures for requesting facilities use
- Clarified services to be provided by custodial staff and ACPS
- Removed Appendix A Facility Use Fee Schedule as fees are published in the ACPS Budget
- Removed Appendix B - Permit for Use of School Facilities
KGA - Public Sales on School Property
- 5-year review
- Standard changes
- Added a definition of Extracurricular Programs to tie this policy together with Policy KG - Community Use of School Facilities.
KH - Public Donations to Schools
KH-R - Regulations for Public Donations to the Schools
- 5-year review
- Standard changes
- Minor rewording and reorganization to improve readability
- Increased thresholds that require Board approval
- Add a provision requiring a monthly report to the Board on accepted donations
- Added breadcrumbs to policies covering acceptance of donations and Board Members
- Provided clarification on when ACPS may not accept a donation
- Breadcrumb provided on the procedure for restricted donations
- Clarified the types of donations, thresholds, and acceptance procedures
KJ - Advertising in the Schools
- 5-year review
- Standard changes
- Revisions made to improve clarity
- Reorganization to improve readability and to emphasize intent of policy
- Breadcrumbs to Policies JL & JQ
- Clarified that advertisements may be used to offset costs of school publications or activities
ACPS has more than 400 policies and regulations which are systematically revised prior to being presented to the School Board for information. The revision process includes alignment with the associated Virginia School Boards Association (VSBA) model policy, alignment with the Code of Virginia, an equity review, a legal review, revisions by a team of staff members, a Senior Leadership Team review and a School Board Policy Committee review. Public input on proposed revisions is taken at School Board Policy Committee meetings and regular School Board meetings.
Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) policy revisions that are adopted by the Alexandria City School Board are available to access on our website, with staff being notified through the ACPS Insider newsletter. These are updates of existing Board policies, and we are informing staff of these changes as they govern school division operations. For more details about the policy revisions adopted by the School Board, please visit the webpage.
The following is a summary of the key changes, details are available on Electronic School Board.
JEA - Compulsory Attendance
JEA-R/JED-R – Attendance Regulations
JEA-R2/JED-R2 – Attendance Codes
- Revision Reason - Requested review
- Standard changes
- VSBA model policy alignment
- Added that Superintendent responsible for developing Regulations for the policy
- Updated to reflect Va. Code § 22.1-261
- Updated to reflect amendment of Va. Code § 22.1-207.7 by HB 246/SB 596 Va. Code § 22.1-254 by HB 1022
- Permits students to miss a certain number of days for 4-H activities or to attend a pow pow
- Relocated and revised process for attendance for virtual learning
- Added content and references for period absences
- Updated dates/timeframes to reflect current Code of Virginia
- Relocated attendance codes to a new regulation
- Added the creation of an attendance plan for a pattern of unexcused absences
- Added that the principal must assist families with obtaining a Dr’s note for medical absences to address equity issues.
JED – Student Absences/Excuses/Dismissals
- Revision Reason - Requested review
- Standard changes
- VSBA model policy alignment
- Reorganization to improve readability
- Added the number of days a student can be out for HS Work Partnerships
- Added a requirement to keep a log of parental notifications
- Added breadcrumbs to regulation JEA-R which lists the reason for excused absences
ACPS has more than 400 policies and regulations which are systematically revised prior to being presented to the School Board for information. The revision process includes alignment with the associated Virginia School Boards Association (VSBA) model policy, alignment with the Code of Virginia, an equity review, a legal review, revisions by a team of staff members, a Senior Leadership Team review and a School Board Policy Committee review. Public input on proposed revisions is taken at School Board Policy Committee meetings and regular School Board meetings.
BDA - Regular School Board Meetings
- Reason: 5-year review
- Standard Changes
- Clarified language about individual school board members speaking to each other
- Added breadcrumbs to BDC - Closed meetings
- Noted that meetings are live streamed when reasonably possible
- Noted that reproductions must comply with generally accepted journalistic standards
BDB - Special Called School Board Meetings
- Reason: 5-year review
- Standard Changes
- VSBA Model Policy alignment
BDC - Closed Meetings
- Reason: 5-year review
- Standard Changes
- References updated to reflect policy title revisions
BDCA - Calling and Certification of Closed Meetings
- Reason: 5-year review
- Standard changes
- VSBA Model Policy alignment
- References updated to align with code referenced in the policy
- Updated to align with Va. Code § 2.2-3705.2
BDDD - Quorum
- Reason: 5-year review
- Affirmed without changes
ACPS has more than 400 policies and regulations which are systematically revised prior to being presented to the School Board for information. The revision process includes alignment with the associated Virginia School Boards Association (VSBA) model policy, alignment with the Code of Virginia, an equity review, a legal review, revisions by a team of staff members, a Senior Leadership Team review and a School Board Policy Committee review. Public input on proposed revisions is taken at School Board Policy Committee meetings and regular School Board meetings.
Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) policy revisions that are adopted by the Alexandria City School Board are available to access on our website, with staff being notified through the ACPS Insider newsletter. These are updates of existing Board policies, and we are informing staff of these changes as they govern school division operations. For more details about the policy revisions adopted by the School Board, please visit the webpage.
The following is a summary of the key changes, details are available on Electronic School Board.
BDDA - Notification of School Board Meetings
- Revision reason: 5-year review
- Standard Changes
- VSBA Model Policy alignment
- Updated the title as this applies to other types of board meetings
- Added that requests for notifications should be directed to the Clerk of the Board
BDDC - Agenda Preparation and Dissemination
- Revision reason: 5-year review
- Standard Changes
- VSBA Model Policy alignment
- Removed the requirement that attachments be provided 3 days in advance
JBB - Equitable Access to Essential Information
JBB-R - Equitable Access to Essential Information Regulations
- Revision reason: New policy and regulation
- Policy content relocated from KB - Public Information Program
- Adds definitions and defines what will be translated
- Codifies the translation process in governance
- Ensures that ACPS translations are in alignment with federal requirements
KB - Public Information Program
- Revision reason: 5-year review
- Standard changes
- Relocated translations to new policy JBB
ACPS has more than 400 policies and regulations which are systematically revised prior to being presented to the School Board for information. The revision process includes alignment with the associated Virginia School Boards Association (VSBA) model policy, alignment with the Code of Virginia, an equity review, a legal review, revisions by a team of staff members, a Senior Leadership Team review and a School Board Policy Committee review. Public input on proposed revisions is taken at School Board Policy Committee meetings and regular School Board meetings.
At the Alexandria City School Board meeting on Jan. 4, 2024, the School Board amended four policies and the Superintendent approved revisions to the associated regulations. The following is a summary of the key changes, details are available on Electronic School Board.
DJ - Small Purchasing
- Revision reason: Needed revisions identified during the routine audit of policies
- Added special exceptions for construction-related purchases
DJA - Purchasing Authority
- Revision reason: Needed revisions identified during the routine audit of policies
- Added a requirement to establish internal controls
KBE - Internet Privacy
KBE-R - Internet Privacy Policy Statement
- Revision reason: 5-year review
- Standard changes
- Split the privacy statement into a stand-alone regulation
- Rewrote the privacy statement to make it more comprehensive and aligned with current systems
KBH - Website Accessibility
KBH-R - Website Accessibility Regulations
- Revision reason: 5-year review
- Standard changes
- Updated WAG standard to 2.1
ACPS has over 400 policies and regulations which are systematically revised prior to being presented to the School Board for information. The revision process includes alignment with the associated VSBA model policy, alignment with the Code of Virginia, an equity review, a legal review, revisions by a team of staff members, a Senior Leadership Team review, and a School Board Policy Committee review. Public input on proposed revisions is taken at School Board Policy Committee meetings and regular School Board meetings.
At the Alexandria City School Board meeting on Dec. 14, 2023, the School Board amended four policies and the Superintendent approved revisions to the associated regulations. The following is a summary of the key changes, details are available on Electronic School Board.
BBA - School Board Powers and Duties
- Revision reason: Code change
- Added definitions
- Clarified that the policy does not reflect all Board duties
- Changed the title as the policy does not list powers, only duties
- Policy updated to reflect amendment of Va. Code § 22.1-79 by:
BDDH-R - Procedures for Public Communications with the School Board (also KD-R)
- Revision reason: Update requested by the Board
- Updated to reflect that Board Retreats are open to the public
JEC - School Admissions
JEC-R - School Admission Regulations
JEC-R2 - Kindergarten and Grade One Placements
- Revision reasons: Requested review, code change
- VSBA model policy alignment
- Struck language around kinship care that went beyond the code
- Struck language about students leaving during the school year, the topic is part of JC/JCD
- Removed the forms from the regulation
- Policy updated to reflect enactment of Va. Code §§ 22.1-369, 22.1-370, and 22.1-373 by HB 1929
KBA-E - Rights and Responsibilities
- Revision reason: Code change
- Updated to reflect amendment of Va. Code § 2.2-3704.1 by HB 2007
ACPS has over 400 policies and regulations which are systematically revised prior to being presented to the School Board for information. The revision process includes alignment with the associated VSBA model policy, alignment with the Code of Virginia, an equity review, a legal review, revisions by a team of staff members, a Senior Leadership Team review, and a School Board Policy Committee review. Public input on proposed revisions is taken at School Board Policy Committee meetings and regular School Board meetings.
At the Alexandria City School Board meeting on Nov. 30, 2023, the School Board amended four policies and the Superintendent approved revisions to the associated regulations. The following is a summary of the key changes, details are available on Electronic School Board.
BBFA - Conflict of Interests and Disclosure of Economic Interests
- Revision reason: Code change
- Policy provisions regarding required COIA training updated to reflect amendment of Va. Code § 2.2-3132 by HB 2122/SB 1460.
- Policy provisions regarding gifts from certain foreign dignitaries updated to reflect amendment of Va. Code § 2.2-3103.1 by HB 1911/SB 1002.
IL - Testing Programs
- Revision reason: Code change
- VSBA model policy alignment
- Standard changes
- Minor wording adjustments to improve readability
- Policy updated to reflect amendment of Va. Code § 22.1-253.13:3 by HB 2225/SB 1253
IMG - Animals in the Instructional Program
IMG-R - Regulations for Animals in the Instructional Program
- Revision reason: New policy
- Regulation renamed from JHC-R Animals in Schools and revised
- Added permission for baby chicks to be used under the supervision of TLL or a TLL approved Partner organization
- Reorganization to improve readability
- Removed size requirements for turtles
- Updated section on dog health requirements
- Added a requirement that parents must provide specific permission for a student to help with animal care
- Added a section to recommend using invertebrates for observations when possible
LEB - Advanced Alternative Courses for Credit
LEB-R - Advance Alternative Courses for Credit Regulations
- Revision reason: Code change
- Added a requirement that the course aligns with VDOE approved courses
- Policy updated to reflect amendment of 8 VAC 20-131-140
ACPS has over 400 policies and regulations which are systematically revised prior to being presented to the School Board for information. The revision process includes alignment with the associated VSBA model policy, alignment with the Code of Virginia, an equity review, a legal review, revisions by a team of staff members, a Senior Leadership Team review, and a School Board Policy Committee review. Public input on proposed revisions is taken at School Board Policy Committee meetings and regular School Board meetings.
At the Alexandria City School Board meeting on Nov. 2, 2023, the School Board amended three policies and the Superintendent approved revisions to the associated regulations. The following is a summary of the key changes, details are available on Electronic School Board.
EFB/JHCH - ACPS School Nutrition Services
EFB/JHCH-R Regulations for School Meals and Snacks
Revision reason: code change
Realigned the responsibility to inform parents in writing if they have more than $30 in unpaid meal charges from schools to School Nutrition Services.
Strengthened language that non-food items should be used to reward student behaviors.
Added a six working-day deadline for processing free and reduced breakfast and lunch applications per the amendment of Va. Code § 22.1-207.2:2.
GBEF - Lactation Support (also JHCL)
Revision reason: 5-year review
Minor wording adjustments to align with the VSBA model policy
JN - Student Fees Fines and Charges
JN-R - Regulation Tuition, Course, and Food Service Fees
Revision reason: 5-year review
Minor wording adjustments to align with the VSBA model policy
Added the use of restorative approaches when recovering fees
NOTE: The regulation content is annually revised and approved as part of the budget process.
ACPS has over 400 policies and regulations which are systematically revised prior to being presented to the School Board for information. The revision process includes alignment with the associated VSBA model policy, alignment with the Code of Virginia, an equity review, a legal review, revisions by a team of staff members, a Senior Leadership Team review, and a School Board Policy Committee review. Public input on proposed revisions is taken at School Board Policy Committee meetings and regular School Board meetings.
At the Alexandria City School Board meeting on October 19, 2023, the School Board amended five policies and the Superintendent approved revisions to one regulation. The following is a summary of the key changes, details are available on Electronic School Board.
AF - Comprehensive Plan
Revision reason: code change
Revised to reflect the amendment of the Code of Virginia § 22.1-253.13:6
Requires ACPS to establish a division wide literacy plan covering students in Grades K-8
Requires ACPS to employ one reading specialist for each 550 students in kindergarten through grade three
Requires ACPS to provide a program of literacy instruction which includes:
Reading intervention services to students in kindergarten through grade three who demonstrate deficiencies based on their individual performance on the Standards of Learning reading assessment or an early literacy screener provided or approved by the Department of Education;
A reading specialist, in collaboration with the teacher of any student who receives such reading intervention services, develops, oversees implementation of, and monitors student progress on a student reading plan;
Each student who receives such reading intervention services is assessed utilizing either the early literacy screener provided or approved by the Virginia Department of Education or the grade-level reading Standards of Learning assessment again at the end of that school year.
DB - Annual Budget
Revision reason: code change
Minor wording adjustments to align with the VSBA model policy
Added a Board belief statement about being good stewards of public resources and that the budget should reflect the division’s values while balancing the needs to fund ongoing operations and the priorities established in the Strategic Plan.
Revised the public notice time frames per the amendment of the Code of Virginia § 22.1-79
DJF - Purchasing Procedures
Revision reason: code change
Revised to include that the convictions that bar employment and contract work that requires direct contact with students on school property during school hours or school-sponsored activities in public schools include any offense involving the solicitation of sexual molestation, physical or sexual abuse, or rape of a child per the amendment of the Code of Virginia § 22.1-296.1.
IKFB - Transfer Students and High School Credits
Revision reason: requested new policy
Places into governance the current practice of evaluating and awarding HS credits based on prior school records.
Includes that grades from the prior school are included in the student’s ACPS records.
JFCF/JFCI - Alcohol and other Drugs (AOD) in Schools
JFCF-R/JFCI-R - Alcohol and other Drugs (AOD) Abuse: Regulations
Revision reason: legal references alignment
Minor wording adjustments to align with the VSBA model policy
Marijuana has always been specifically prohibited for students. The recent change in Virginia laws moves marijuana out of the category of ‘controlled substances’ and into the same category as alcohol. The policy has been revised to update the list of specifically prohibited substances (which currently includes alcohol) to also include marijuana. These substances are prohibited on ACPS property, on public property within 1000 feet of ACPS property, on school buses, at school bus stops, and on public property within 1000 feet of school bus stops when students are waiting to be picked up or dropped of for school
ACPS has over 400 policies and regulations which are systematically revised prior to being presented to the School Board for information. The revision process includes alignment with the associated VSBA model policy, alignment with the Code of Virginia, an equity review, a legal review, revisions by a team of staff members, a Senior Leadership Team review, and a School Board Policy Committee review. Public input on proposed revisions is taken at School Board Policy Committee meetings and regular School Board meetings.
At the Alexandria City School Board meeting on October 5, 2023, the School Board amended six policies and the Superintendent approved revisions to one regulation and retired one regulation. The following is a summary of the key changes, details are available on Electronic School Board.
GBE - Staff Health
GBE-R2 - Staff COVID Procedures
Revision reason: code change
Revised the COVID language in the policy to reflect that COVID related precautions would be posted on the ACPS website rather than in a regulation and retired GBE-R2 Staff COVID Procedures
Replaced ‘nurse practitioner’ with ‘advanced practice registered nurse’ per the amendment of the Code of Virginia § 54.1-2957.02.
IGAD - Career and Technical Education
Revision reason: 5-year review and code change
Minor wording adjustments to align with the VSBA model policy
Added a Board belief statement about the importance of CTE
Changed ‘guidance counselors’ to ‘school counselors’ and added a provision that school counselors must spend at least 80 percent of their time during normal school hours in the direct counseling of individual students or groups of students per the amendment of the Code of Virginia § 22.1-227.1.
Added a provision permitting ACPS to enter College and Career Access Pathways Partnerships (Partnerships) with institutions of higher education per the amendment of the Code of Virginia § 22.1-253.13:1.
Added a provision requiring ACPS provide students with a Virginia Department of Education published list of the top 100 professions in the Commonwealth by median pay and the top 10 degree programs at institutions of higher education in the Commonwealth by median pay of program graduates per the amendment of the Code of Virginia § 22.1-253.13:1
JECA - Admission of Children Experiencing Homelessness
Revision reason: code change
Retitled the policy to Admission of Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness
Expanded the definition of “student experiencing homelessness” to include individuals who are fleeing violence, including sexual violence per the amendment of 42 U.S.C. § 11302.
JHCA - Physical Examinations of Students
Revision reason: code change
Replaced various instances of the terms "handicap," "handicapped," and similar variations with alternative terms, as appropriate in the statutory context, such as "disability" and "impairment." per the amendment of the Code of Virginia § 22.1-270.
JHCB - Student Immunizations
JHCB-R - ACPS Health Requirements for Registration
Revision reason: code change
Replaced ‘nurse practitioner’ with ‘advanced practice registered nurse’ per the amendment of the Code of Virginia § 54.1-2957.02.
JHCC - Communicable Diseases
Revision reason: code change
Minor rewording to align with the VSBA model policy
Replaced ‘nurse practitioner’ with ‘advanced practice registered nurse’ per the amendment of the Code of Virginia § 54.1-2957.02.
ACPS has over 400 policies and regulations which are systematically revised prior to being presented to the School Board for information. The revision process includes alignment with the associated VSBA model policy, alignment with the Code of Virginia, an equity review, a legal review, revisions by a team of staff members, a Senior Leadership Team review, and a School Board Policy Committee review. Public input on proposed revisions is taken at School Board Policy Committee meetings and regular School Board meetings.