Position Classification Eligibility and Review Procedures
A. Applicability. This process applies to non-probationary employees who are full time, have completed one year of continuous service in their current position, and are assigned a grade and paid in accordance with any of the following Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) Salary Scales: (1) Administrator Salary Scale-Licensed; (2) Administrator Salary Scale – Support; (3) Support Salary Scale or (4) Teacher Salary Scales, as adopted by the ACPS School Board.
B. Eligibility. To be eligible for reclassification, an employee must have completed their probationary period. Probationary employees may not submit individual reclassification requests; they may be reclassified as a result of a request submitted by another employee in their class of work or as a result of an ACPS-wide classification study.
Reclassification requests applicable to a position upgraded or denied through the appeals process in the previous year may not be submitted in the next subsequent reclassification cycle or until two calendar years have elapsed from the prior reclassification cycle. However, if the grade of the position was not changed due to an approved reclassification, or if within the last year the position has a significant and substantial part of the job requirements changed, a request may be submitted during the next reclassification request cycle.
Employees on a plan of improvement at the time of submission are not eligible for reclassification.
Prior approval of a job change is required. The direct supervisor must receive prior approval from HR before a job is changed. HR and the direct supervisor will officially communicate the change to the employee via an HR job assignment memorandum. The memorandum will explain the purpose for the change to the employee. Additionally, a working draft of the new job description will also be provided to the employee. As a rule of thumb, the direct supervisor should contact and coordinate with HR as soon as the new job is contemplated.
A draft job description is required. The direct supervisor must have changed the job duties significantly for a position to be eligible for a reclassification review. A significant change must be indicated by a substantive difference in duties, responsibilities, or tasks outside of expectations in the former job description. It is emphasized that no job description covers every task one may expect of such a position and that changing a job description requires care. A new job must be substantially justified in both qualitative and quantitative terms. The change in duties must represent a significant and substantial difference from the former position to the new role.
The new job must be observed for at least ninety workdays. The employee will be informed that the new work must be assigned and performed for at least three months prior to submitting the formal reclassification request. This is done to ensure that the job is practiced to assess its functionality. Revisions or adjustments to the draft job description may also be made. On a case-by-case basis, HR will determine whether the employee must receive a temporary pay adjustment during the review period. It is emphasized that a job description could change yet remain compensated at the same pay level. HR will ensure a job audit is completed at the end of the three-month period with feedback from the employee and direct supervisor to ensure that the new job description is accurate.
It is emphasized that modifications related to one’s current job responsibilities are necessary to keep pace with improvements or advancements in technology. These changes are expected to occur within the classification of various jobs and should not be the basis for requesting a reclassification.
Therefore, reclassification requests shall not be based on salary, projected duties, the volume of work, performance, length of service, financial need, the threat of resignation, qualifications of the incumbent (employee holding current position) beyond those required for the position or completion of a period of training which has resulted in performing the full range of duties contemplated for the class of work or with less supervision.
The department head shall decline to submit a reclassification request which does not comply with the conditions described in these procedures.
C. Initial Request. A supervisor who seeks to change the duties and responsibilities of an employee to the extent that the position should be reclassified should submit a reclassification request on the applicable ACPS form to their department head. Any employee who believes their job has changed outside of the stated job description should first consult with the supervisor for an in-person discussion and review.
D. Department Chief Approval. The department head will analyze the request and ensure it meets the eligibility requirements. Upon approval, the department head shall forward the request to Human Resources.
E. Human Resources Approval. The Department of Human Resources will review the request and submit it to a neutral contracted third-party administrator. The third-party will develop an objective review of the request and make a recommendation to the Department of Human Resources. HR will submit the recommendation to the Superintendent of Schools for approval, disapproval, or further study.
Approved reclassifications and any respective pay adjustments shall normally be effective the first pay following March 1st or at a time designated and adopted by the ACPS School Board.
Classification Requests to classify new positions (not previously classified) or requests for reclassification of an existing position must be submitted on an ACPS Job Information Questionnaire (JIQ) Form (as amended from time to time) signed by the position’s incumbent, immediate supervisor, department head, and department chief as applicable, and submitted to the Executive Director for Human Resources or designee during the submission period.
Additionally, where applicable, the incumbent of a position requesting a review for reclassification must attach a brief statement on the appropriate ACPS form summarizing or listing the essential reasons the incumbent believes the position warrants an upgrade. The form must be signed by the incumbent, immediate supervisor or department head and department chief. The incumbent may note on the position’s current job description the specific areas of the job description that have changed as a result of the position’s assuming higher-level duties and responsibilities that the incumbent of the position believes warrant an upgrade for that position.
Upon submission of the JIQ, employee statement documents, and modified job description to the Executive Director for Human Resources or designee, an organization chart showing the position(s) requested for classification or reclassification is expected.
Reclassification requests shall contain the information required by and in the form prescribed by the Executive Director for Human Resources, which may be modified as deemed appropriate.
F. Exceptions. Reclassification and related salary provisions may be superseded by the terms of implementation at the discretion of the ACPS School Board.
G. Reclassification. Changes in salary and step as a result of a classification action follow:
The salary rate upon reclassification to a higher grade is determined by:
pay rate (hourly or salary) will be advanced one step on the current salary grade, and
placement will be on the step that is equivalent or closest to the pay or hourly rate determined in (a).
The salary rate upon reclassification to the same grade shall be computed as if the action were a transfer.
The salary rate upon reclassification to a lower grade shall be computed by first providing any step increase due and then placing the employee at the step within the new range that provides no decrease in the hourly rate. If the employee’s current rate after any applicable step increase is calculated exceeds the maximum rate of the lower grade range, the employee’s current rate shall be frozen until the maximum rate of the lower grade meets or exceeds the employee’s frozen rate. At that time, the employee shall be placed at the applicable step rate of the lower grade that provides no decrease in the employee’s frozen hourly rate.
The aforementioned provisions may be superseded at the discretion of the ACPS School Board.