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Compensation & Salaries

Current employees and new hires salary information and guidelines

The Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) Human Resources Department manages the division's various forms of compensation, including contract or base pay and stipends, to ensure competitive and equitable salary and classification. The Office of Benefits and Compensation also administers salary notifications and adjustments, including step and/or market-rate increases, and oversees compliance with respect to federal, state, and local laws governing wages and work hours.

ACPS Salary Placement Guidelines (PDF)

Salary Scales

2023-24 Salary Scale Adjustments Webinar Q&A Live Recording

On June 6, 2023, Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) hosted a Question-and-Answer Webinar for staff to address changes to the 2023-24 ACPS employee salary scales and 2023-24 contracts. View the video recording below.

Classification Review Overview

Employee position classification eligibility and review process

Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) offers an annual process for supervisors and employees to review job descriptions with the Department of Human Resources. The purpose is to ensure the employee's actual job responsibilities stay aligned with the written job title and compensation. The annual classification review process begins on September 1 and ends on September 30.

Supervisors who have changed the duties and responsibilities of an employee to such an extent that merits reclassification may submit a reclassification request to their department head.

The department head will analyze the request to determine if it meets the eligibility requirements. If approved, the department head will forward the request to Human Resources. 

ACPS will review and submit the request to a neutral third-party evaluator for research and recommendation.

Read about the Position Classification and Salary Placement Process

Classification Review Frequently Asked Questions

Position Classification and Salary Placement Process