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Student Assessment & Test Results

ACPS Student Assessment and Evaluation

Student data provides feedback about what students are learning and what they still need to learn. Data collected informally on a daily basis and formally at the end of units and specific milestones throughout the year facilitates this process. To guide learning and teaching, these data include:

  • Daily teacher observation of student performance
  • Daily feedback to students
  • Daily student work products
  • End-of-unit assessments
  • Nationally normed universal screener and progress monitoring instruments such as NWEA MAP
  • Reading assessments such as running records and PALS
  • ACPS benchmark assessments in Science and Social Studies
  • Transfer tasks, which are end of unit assessments that mirror real-life applications
  • Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) assessments

To learn more about balanced assessment, please talk with your child’s principal.

Assessment Glossary