Student Assessment & Test Results
ACPS Student Assessment and Evaluation
Student data provides feedback about what students are learning and what they still need to learn. Data collected informally on a daily basis and formally at the end of units and specific milestones throughout the year facilitates this process. To guide learning and teaching, these data include:
- Daily teacher observation of student performance
- Daily feedback to students
- Daily student work products
- End-of-unit assessments
- Nationally normed universal screener and progress monitoring instruments such as NWEA MAP
- Reading assessments such as running records and PALS
- ACPS benchmark assessments in Science and Social Studies
- Transfer tasks, which are end of unit assessments that mirror real-life applications
- Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) assessments
To learn more about balanced assessment, please talk with your child’s principal.
Assessment Glossary
Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) values your student's learning and all measures that inform us on their progress. ACPS maintains multiple policies and regulations regarding student participation in state or school division assessments:
- Policy IFA: Assessment and Evaluation
- IFA-R: Regulations Governing the Assessment and Evaluation Policy
- Policy IKE: Academic Promotion and Retention
- IKE-R: Academic Promotion and Retention Regulations
- Policy IKF: The Virginia Assessment Program and Graduation Requirements
- IKF-R: The Virginia Assessment Program and Graduation Requirements Regulations
- Policy IKFA: Locally-Awarded Verified Credits
- IKFA-R: Locally-Awarded Verified Credit Regulations
- Policy IKFD: Alternative Paths to Attaining Standard Units of Credit: Credit by Exam for World Languages
- IKFD-R: Alternative Paths to Attaining Standard Units of Credit: Credit by Exam for World Languages Regulations
- Policy IKG: Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) Remediation Recovery Program
- Policy IKH: Retaking SOL Assessments
- Policy IL: Testing Programs
Parents have the right to refuse any state or school division assessment on an annual basis. Please contact your student's school for more information.