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Office of Maintenance and Custodial Services

The Care of School Buildings and Grounds

Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) Maintenance and Custodial Services manages and cares for the school divisions’ buildings and grounds while handling smaller-scale repairs (through the completion of work orders), and also the cleaning of school buildings. Facility pages have been set up for each school to keep families and the Alexandria community aware of such events as well as planned repairs and modernization.

Annual Work Order Reports

Each school year, the Office of Maintenance and Custodial Services receives thousands of work orders. The charts below summarize the primary work orders addressed. The craft refers to the systems or category of the work order, the quantity refers to the number of work orders received and the facilities refers to the number of schools and facilities where work was performed. Our thanks goes out to the maintenance staff at ACPS for handling the investigation and repairs of our facilities and their issues to maintain a safe and efficient environment for staff and visitors alike.

School-Wide Air Purifier Installation Program

ACPS classroom and learning spaces air quality improvement initiative

During the week of May 3, 2021, Maintenance and Custodial Services executed a mass installation project in all Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) classrooms and learning spaces as proposed during the April 22, 2021 School Board Meeting that mentioned improving air quality in our facilities. 

Air purifiers were distributed and installed throughout ACPS schools and classrooms in accordance with our continued dedication to safety protocols amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. These air purifiers will ensure our efforts for the safety of our students and staff maintain a priority.

How effective are these air purifiers? They can clean the air of an average-sized classroom in well under an hour, and their medical-grade filters can capture 99.99% of airborne contaminants down to 0.1 microns, including allergens and aerosolized viruses that can spread from person to person. Since these air purifiers are also designed to operate continuously without ever needing to shut off, they will ensure our classrooms and other facilities have clean air circulating through them at all times.

Nearly 1,400 of these air purifiers were deployed to 22 educational facilities where they were tested, installed, and activated in classrooms, gymnasiums, and auditoriums, as well as other approved areas beneficial to teaching and learning. For more information about these air purifiers, visit Alen, the supplier for these units. Our building engineers are responsible for the replacement of the air filters and ensuring they are working properly.

Contact Information

Amanda Ou

Director of Maintenance and Custodial Services
1340 Braddock Place
Alexandria, VA 22314

Mark Carlson
Assistant Director

Rutailada (Ruth) Clark
Building Services Manager

Julius James
Building Systems Manager

Sylvie Bouvard
Supervisor Maintenance and Warehouse

Gabriel Yañez
Administrative Specialist

Michael Gaines
Building Systems Supervisor
703-619-8000 x1322