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Environmental Safety

Introduction and Mission Statement
The Alexandria City Public School (ACPS) Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Management Plan provides uniform procedures and practices to be implemented consistently throughout the school division to improve and maintain safe and healthy indoor air quality. Safe and healthy indoor air quality contributes to a favorable learning environment for students, productivity for teachers and staff, and a sense of comfort, health and well-being for all school occupants and community visitors. Ultimately, this plan helps us achieve our core mission of providing a high quality, equitable education to all children. Through the careful and consistent implementation of this Management Plan, all school facilities will better prevent, identify, and remedy IAQ concerns.
ACPS had begun implementing sound and responsible IAQ practices at its schools and facilities pre-pandemic. Recently and in response to Covid-19, the Department of Facilities and Operations felt it important to formalize its IAQ practices, procedures, and responsibilities into a comprehensive management plan. This formal plan was completed in October 2021.

The health, comfort and learning environment of students and staff are important aspects of ACPS’ mission. Working with our external environmental consultant and implementing the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) “IAQ Tools for Schools” Program, we developed an IAQ Management Plan that will help monitor and improve the quality of air in school buildings.  The plan also provides proactive measures that can be taken to improve air quality. The objectives of this IAQ Management Plan are:

  • Reduce the levels of indoor air pollutants through preventive measures such as routine maintenance activities, periodic building evaluations, targeted indoor air quality sampling (as needed), inspections and IAQ-specific policies.
  • Provide and maintain adequate airflow by repairing and maintaining ventilation equipment, which will promote a comfortable and healthy learning and working environment.
  • Respond to IAQ-related concerns and problems in a prompt and thorough manner, and effectively communicate the progress of investigations and their resolution to all interested parties.