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Active Threat Action Plan

Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) has implemented Violent Intruder/Active Threat Training to all staff and students. The ALICE Training Institute program (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuatewas referenced as a guide. The training and subsequent emergency preparedness drills to prepare staff, teachers and students to respond effectively to the threat of a violent intruder inside the school or educational facility (Active Shooter or other Active Threat). The training provided to teachers and staff introduced strategies that allow individuals to participate in their own survival, while leading others to safety. The lessons and drills that students will participate in throughout the year will safely and positively reinforce these potentially life-saving strategies. Although these drills are practiced in a school setting, the strategies learned can be used anywhere groups of people congregate.

The preferred ACPS response to a violent intruder/active threat emergency is Evacuation.

Evacuate! Evacuate! Evacuate!

Student comprehension of a drill of any type can be inadequate at times due to a variety of factors.  It is imperative that teachers request a meeting with their administrators, counselors, and trained instructors, when accommodations need to be made in or near a specific classroom, prior to conducting an emergency drill.

When considering students with disabilities, there can be complex and varied needs that may require different levels of support.

All grade levels, from Pre-K to 12, will have the opportunity to be exposed to these strategies via age-appropriate lessons and emergency drills. When student lessons are provided according to newly written guidance, the chances of causing unnecessary stress or trauma to students and staff are greatly reduced.

Consultation with a school’s Student Support Team (SST) before and after each lesson and drill will occur for each reported concern. Staff and students must remain confident that they are in a safe school.

All student concerns received by parents should be taken care of by school Administrators. Administrators, along with trained instructors and Student Support Teams, should be able to address and resolve most concerns. In rare cases where students have personal experience with such related violent events, those cases should be addressed with professional guidance involved.

All schools must complete emergency lessons and drills at designated times during the school year. Each year Safety and Security Services will provide a drill schedule that must be followed. 


Grade Level

Lesson(s)/ Drill


Pre-K & K

Lesson 1

First 10 Days of School

Pre-K & K

Lesson 2

Second 10 Days of School


Lesson 1 & 2

First 10 Days of School


Lesson 3 & 4

Second 10 Days of School


Lesson 1 & 2

First 10 Days of School


Lesson 3 & 4

Second 10 Days of School

Administrators, counselors, teachers, parents and the community must work together to provide a safe and secure learning environment for our students. ACPS is committed to being the guiding safety and security partner!