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Closure/Delay Procedures


Two Hour Delayed Opening


Kindergarten through grade 12 and Virginia Preschool Initiative (VPI) students report two hours later than regular opening time.

Morning pre-K programs (Early Childhood Special Education and Preschoolers Learning Together) report two hours later than regular opening time, and dismiss one hour later than usual. Afternoon pre-K reports one hour later than regular opening time and is dismissed at the regular time.


All non-essential personnel should report two hours later than their regular time.

Essential personnel report at the regular time.

Two Hour Early Closing


All schools will be dismissed two hours early as announced. No make-up classes are required for early closings.

Morning pre-school will be dismissed at 11:00 a.m. Afternoon pre-school is canceled, however, make-up classes may be required.


Essential personnel will work a regular day.

Non-administrative licensed staff and paraprofessionals may be released at the principal's discretion after students have been dismissed and buses have departed. Night personnel must report at regular time or take leave with supervisor's approval (unless otherwise instructed). Bus drivers/bus monitors report two hours earlier than the regular time for afternoon runs.

Schools and Administrative Offices Closed

All activities in schools or on school grounds are canceled.

All essential personnel, including building engineers, custodians, maintenance shop employees and security staff must still report.

Schools Closed, Administrative Offices Open

All activities in schools or on school grounds are canceled.

Essential personnel should report for duty. All 12-month employees should report to work, however, liberal leave is in effect.