Superintendent's Presentation of the FY 2026 Proposed Combined Funds (CF) Budget
The adoption of the Combined Funds Budget is an annual commitment to programs and activities for Alexandria City Public Schools. ACPS is moving forward in our efforts to realize its mission and vision and to prepare every student to have the skills necessary to be successful in the 21st century. We are guided by a commitment to providing equitable access to opportunities, and achieving academic excellence, where every school is high performing and every student succeeds.
Responses to School Board FY 2026 CF Questions as of February 2025 (PDF)
FY 2026 Proposed Combined Funds Budget Book (Interactive Book)
FY 2026 Proposed Combined Funds Budget Book (PDF)
Note: Page numbers may have changed from previously posted version due to elimination of blank pages. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Adoption of the Final Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Combined Funds (CF) and FY 2025-2034 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budgets
The Alexandria City School Board voted to approve the final adoption of the Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) Fiscal Year 2025 Combined Funds Budget, totaling to $378.2 million and the FY 2025-34 Capital Improvement Program(CIP) Budget of $379.5 million at its meeting on Thur., June 6, 2024. The Alexandria City School Board’s motion to adopt the FY 25 Final CF Budget follows several months after the initial CF budget was approved and submitted to the Alexandria City Council on February 22, 2024. The Final Adopted CF Budget reflects adjustments recommended by the School Board and superintendent. The City Council adopted its FY 2025 budget for the City of Alexandria on May 1, 2024.
The CF budget prioritizes improvements to staff compensation and increasing specific school-based staff positions, improving instructional alignment and rigor, funding technology upgrades to prevent or mitigate cyber-security threats, preparing for the opening of the Alexandria City High School (ACHS) Minnie Howard campus in August 2024 and supporting the launch of middle school athletics.
The Final Adopted Combined Funds Budget for FY25, includes the Operating Budget, School Nutrition Funds, as well as Grants and Special Projects Fund, totals $378.2 million. The ACPS Operating Budget requests a City of Alexandria funding appropriation of $273.0 million for the 2024-25 school year which is an increase of 5.5% from last year’s budget. Superintendent Dr. Melanie Kay-Wyatt proposed the initial budget to the School Board on Jan. 4, 2024.
As ACPS maintains its focus on staff recruitment and retention amidst the competitive job market, the budget includes several measures supporting its efforts. These include step increases for eligible employees, a 1.5% market rate adjustment (MRA) in addition to the 2% MRA staff received in early January 2024, higher wage rates for hourly or casual employees (including substitute teachers), recruitment and retention bonuses for eligible positions in special education, transportation and other teaching roles, and increasing benefit rates to maintain the current rate benefit plan structure.
“The adoption of the Final FY 2025 Combined Funds Budget allows the division to continue our focus and efforts on recruitment and retention, aiding in maintaining a diverse and talented workforce to educate our future,” said Alexandria City Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Melanie Kay-Wyatt. “ I am extremely appreciative of the collaboration of our financial services team, division staff, City Council and the Alexandria City School Board, for their work, dedication to our students and shared vision for a prosperous future.”
The Combined Funds budget also includes increased staffing based on enrollment levels to include additional teachers for homeroom, English Learner (EL) and specialized instruction (SPED) classes and to support new pathways and courses as a result of the opening of the new Minnie Howard campus of the Alexandria City High School (ACHS). A coordinator to support students’ academic needs, two advanced academic services positions, two full-time dean positions to support middle schools, four human resources generalists to add capacity for staff recruitment and retention and six new van drivers to alleviate use of public carriers were added.The CF budget looks ahead to address the need for improved cybersecurity protection and improved technology infrastructure, ensuring sufficient facilities and operational funding for such items as risk management and property insurances as well as an increase in operational costs due to the new high school campus. Funding for middle school athletics in the proposed budget is set to be allocated towards equipment, uniforms, stipends and transportation.
“The FY 2025 Combined Funds Budget symbolizes a united effort to cultivate a future of limitless possibilities for our students,” said Alexandria City School Board Chair Dr. Michelle Rief. This budget is a testament to our collective commitment to advance students’ educational experience, elevate and empower staff and truly prepare students for life after graduation.” “Thank you to my Board colleagues, Superintendent Dr. Kay-Wyatt, the ACPS Financial Services Department, division staff and the City of Alexandria for making this possible.”
The 10-year CIP budget, includes $379.5 million for modernizing the ACPS Transportation Facility, the replacement of the school buildings for George Mason and Cora Kelly Elementary Schools, funding deferred playground maintenance and a renovation project at the 1701 N. Beauregard St. facility to convert two floors of the building into office space. The CIP budget aligns with the goals of the ACPS 2025 Strategic Plan: Equity for All, as well as the School Board's CIP priorities for the next 10 years, which include prioritizing aging facilities, investing in textbook and technology upgrades and addressing capacity needs where identified.
Throughout the year-long budget process, ACPS has provided several engagement opportunities for the community to partake in. To date, ACPS hosted a Community Budget Forum in October of 2023, several work sessions and two Public Hearings were held on Jan. 18, 2024, and May 9, 2024. The full budget timeline and a summary of this year’s budget process can be found on the ACPS FY 2025 Budget web page.
About Alexandria City Public Schools
Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) serves more than 16,000 students who hail from more than 119 countries and speak 121 languages. ACPS has 18 schools, including two middle schools, two K-8 schools, one pre-K school and the internationally recognized Alexandria City High School. ACPS is committed to putting racial equity at the heart of all decisions and ensuring that each and every student succeeds.
What's New with the Budget Book?
FY 2024 Combined Funds Budget Book
ACPS Annual Budget Process Key Dates
Budget Priorities and Areas of Focus
The School Board Budget Priorities align with the ACPS 2025 Strategic Plan Goals to guide decision-making throughout the budget process. The Superintendent develops Focus Areas based on these School Board Budget Priorities.
Public Hearings
The Alexandria City School Board hold virtual public hearings on the Combined Funds (CF) and Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budgets during School Board Meetings. Dates listed below.
FY 2025 CF and FY 2025-2034 CIP Budgets
FY 2024 CF and FY 2024-2033 CIP Budgets
For more information, please contact the Clerk of the Board at 703-619-8316 or boardclerk@acps.k12.va.us.
Add/Delete Process
Budget Documents, Videos, and Key Information
- Enrollment Projection Overview
- FY 2026 City of Alexandria and ACPS Budget Timeline
- FY 2026 Budget Calendar
- FY 2026 Budget Planning Manual as of October 2024
- FY 2025 Budget Calendar
- Chart of Accounts Book Revised June 2024
Budget information for the City of Alexandria can be found on the City of Alexandria website.
ACPS Budget: Where the Money Goes:
The Washington Area Boards of Education (WABE) Guide
The WABE enables surrounding school divisions to share comparable information in a standardized format. The WABE Guide is published annual and consist of information such as student demographics, average class sizes, and salary information. To view the completed guide, please see links below.
Contact Information
Director, Budget & Financial Systems
1340 Braddock Place
Alexandria VA 22314