Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports
Report of ACPS financial activities and balances
The Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (Financial Report) is a thorough and detailed presentation of Alexandria City Public School’s (ACPS) financial condition. It reports on the activities and balances for each fiscal year.
The Financial Report is presented in three main sections.
The introductory section includes a profile of ACPS, financial overview, major initiatives, and ACPS organization chart.
The financial section contains the independent auditors’ report, management’s discussion and analysis (MD&A), basic financial statements and required and other supplementary information.
The statistical section includes additional financial, economic and demographic information.
For the fiscal year 2022 Financial Report, ACPS was awarded the Association of School Business Officials (ASBO), Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting; and the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. ACPS has received the ASBO award for 20 consecutive years (fiscal years 2003-22) and the GFOA award for 13 consecutive years (fiscal years 2010-22). The prior fiscal year Financial Report has been submitted to ASBO and GFOA for award consideration.