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Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund III

Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund III

Navigating this page: Community Engagement Surveys & Hearings

What is the ESSER III grant?

In May 2021, Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) received a $34.8 million funding allocation through American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) III grant, intended to be spent over multiple years.

The purpose of the ARP ESSER III grant is to help safely reopen and sustain the safe operation of schools and address the impacts of COVID-19 on the nation’s students by addressing students’ academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs.

This grant provides schools with funding to address the impact COVID-19 has had on services to students during school building closures. It also provides funding to develop and implement plans for the return to normal school operations.  

To learn more about the ESSER III supported initiatives, refer to: 

ACPS - American Rescue Plan (ARP) ESSER III Spending Plan  (Released Aug. 31 2021)

For additional information about ESSER grants, contact Jessica DeLeon, Grants Coordinator at

Community Engagement on the ARP Act ESSER III Spending Plan

In developing the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act ESSER III Spending Plan, ACPS sought stakeholder input to understand how our community would like to see this grant used in support of students, staff, and school operations. 

ACPS engaged the public and sought input via: 

  • A public hearing on the Fall Reopening Plan held on June 17, 2021.

  • An Online Feedback Form available to the public through June 18, 2021.

    • All members of the ACPS community were invited to submit their input.

    • The feedback form in English, Spanish, Amharic, and Arabic was shared with all ACPS families and staff in the June 4 edition of ACPS Express and was accessible online for all community members.

ACPS received feedback from over 700 respondents. The inputs provided by the community shaped ACPS ESSER III approach and focus around the following: 

  • Concentrated efforts - Focus on evidence-based programs in high impact areas.

  • Building internal capacity - Seek out and identify ways to expand on existing strengths and successful practices.

  • Implementing with fidelity - Develop structures to successfully implement and monitor programs.

  • ACPS ARP ESSER III Spending Plan was released for Public Comment on  for public comment July 11, 2021 prior to the August 3, 2021 public hearing. Files (PDF): EnglishEspañol  | Amharic አማርኛ | Arabic بالعربية

  • A public hearing on ESSER III Plan held on August 2, 2021.

  • Informed by input received, ACPS finalized and released the American Rescue Plan (ARP) ESSER III Spending Plan on August 31, 2021.

Ongoing Community Engagement Opportunities

Ongoing public engagement is crucial to implementation and accountability. Throughout the implementation of the ESSER III grant, ACPS will continue to provide ESSER III Implementation Updates to the School Board and our Community. We will conduct periodic reviews of our plans, and when needed, revise to ensure they remain relevant to community needs.

In addition to the Online Feedback Survey on our ESSER plan, we hope that our Public Hearings will provide a venue to gather new ideas and uncover additional unaddressed needs so that we can best tailor our plan to our Alexandria community.

Upcoming and prior community engagement opportunities are found below.


Online Feedback Surveys, School Board Meetings & Public Hearings 

May 7–May 21, 2024: ESSER III Feedback Form May 2024

Feedback forms: English Español  | Amharic አማርኛ Arabic بالعربية | Dari دری

Public feedback survey results

Through Dec. 4, 2023: 5th ESSER III FEEDBACK SURVEY

Feedback forms: English | Español  | Amharic አማርኛ Arabic بالعربية | Dari دری

Public feedback survey results.


Feedback forms: English | Español  | Amharic አማርኛ Arabic بالعربية  

Public feedback survey results.

June 1, 2023 Regular Meeting

American Rescue Plan Act- Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER III) Update 6/1/2023


The ACPS School Board held a  public hearing on ESSER III Spending Plan Dec. 15 2022. 

View archived meeting


The online feedback survey was made available to the public through Dec. 11, 2022. 

Feedback forms: English | Español  | Amharic አማርኛ | Arabic بالعربية | Dari

Survey results

July 2022, 2nd ESSER III Online Feedback Survey 

The online feedback survey was made available to the public through July 13, 2022. 

Feedback forms: English | Español | Amharic አማርኛ | Arabic بالعربية 

The information collected is not a vote on how the funds should be used, but rather the input submitted will guide the school division as it reviews the current ESSER III Spending Plan. 

June 2, 2022, Public Hearing

A public hearing on ESSER III Spending Plan. For more information, please visit the ACPS School Board Meetings webpage.

May 5, 2022, Regular Meeting

ESSER Update presented during a regular school board meeting. For more information, please visit the ACPS School Board Meetings webpage

August 3, 2021, Public Hearing 

A public hearing on proposed ESSER III Plan - Use of Funds (also referred to as proposed ESSER III Spending Plan). For more information, please visit the ACPS School Board Meeting webpage.

June 2, 2021, 1st ESSER III Online Feedback Survey 

The Online Feedback Survey was made available to the public through June 18, 2021. 

June 17, 2021, Regular Meeting

Continuity of Learning Fall Reopening Playbook 6.0 presented during a regular school board meeting. For more information, please visit the ACPS School Board Meetings webpage.