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Office of Communications

Promoting parental and community support and involvement

The Office of Communications contributes to increased student achievement by providing information that promotes parental and community support and involvement. Information is provided through a variety of media and languages, as appropriate for the community and parent populations of Alexandria.

Resources for ACPS Families 

ACPS Express

ACPS Express is the family and community eNewsletter. ACPS Express goes out as an email on Fridays at Noon ET or at other times when there is important information to disseminate to our families and community. 

Social Media

Follow ACPS and our schools on our official social media accounts - available on the top menu of all ACPS web pages.


Watch School Board meetings and work sessions on ACPS-TV online.

Emergency Communications

For emergency information check out the ACPS emergency communication protocols.

School Newsletters

You will automatically be signed up to receive eNewsletters from the school where your child is registered. If you are not an ACPS family and would like to receive a school newsletter, you can sign up to receive them.

Community Engagement

If you would like to talk to someone regarding community engagement email or call 703-619-8003.


If you would like to distribute fliers to one or more schools or post your flier on ACPS Express please follow the protocols set out by the superintendent. All fliers need to be submitted electronically before they can be considered for distribution as a paper flier in schools.

K Policies

The Office of Communications oversees K policies regarding the media, the distribution of information and visitors to schools. View a full list of K policies.

School PR Liaison Program

The Office of Communications oversees School PR Liaisons. All schools have at least one School PR Liaison, who is responsible for communicating good news via social media. This is an annual stipend position selected by the principal.

Media Services

The Office of Communications oversees the implementation of AV services for internal events. Please email with AV services requests.

Text Alerts in Spanish, Amharic and Arabic

Alerts are provided to parents based on their "Preferred Language of Communication" provided to schools at the beginning of the school year. Parents may contact their school registrar to indicate their preferred language of communication.


Resources for ACPS Staff 

Empower, Coach, Train

The Office of Communications provides ACPS staff with support and training to make school and division communications more efficient and timely.

  • Empower: Giving district staff the permission and access to communicate directly to their audiences.

  • Train: Providing staff with training on communications tools, an overview of district policies to follow, and guidelines and standards for communicating effectively and consistently.
  • Coach: Offering continuing support for improving communications, including technical tips and content ideas

ACPS Insider

ACPS Insider is a weekly newsletter for teachers and staff. All staff automatically receive this once a week - on Fridays at Noon ET.

Communications Resources on Canvas (requires login)

The communications resources on Canvas include the ACPS logo, style guide, PowerPoint template, letterhead, and other resources.

Contact Information

Daryl Johnson, Executive Director of Communications

1340 Braddock Place, 6th Floor
Alexandria, VA 22314

Gladis Bourdouane 
Assistant Director of Communications

Latest ACPS Express