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Tim Beaty Inducted to Alexandria City School Board

Jan. 18, 2024— Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) welcomed Tim Beaty to the Alexandria City School Board prior to the Jan. 18, 2024, School Board meeting. This official induction comes more than a week after Beaty’s win in the special election on Jan. 9, 2024. Beaty will serve in this role until Dec. 31, 2024. 

ACPS school board member Tim Beaty

The current School Board was elected in November 2021, and all nine seats will be on the ballot in the upcoming November 2024 election. The School Board holds the responsibility of adopting policy for the daily operation of schools and ensuring that school laws are properly explained, enforced, and observed. Alexandria City is divided into three voting districts, and three Board members are elected from each district. Beaty will serve District A, alongside Board Chair Dr. Michelle Rief and School Board Member Jacinta Greene. 

“We are excited to welcome Mr. Beaty to serve on our School Board,” said School Board Chair Dr. Michelle Rief. “Mr. Beaty has not only contributed directly to ACPS as a substitute teacher but the greater Alexandria community as well, volunteering and serving in various capacities throughout the city.”

“I am truly honored to serve on the Alexandria City School Board,” said Beaty. “Throughout my professional career, I have worked in the labor movement, advocating to improve the rights and conditions of working people. I look forward to bringing that experience to the division as we move forward with collective bargaining to enhance labor-management relationships between employees and the division.” “I’d like to thank my fellow Board members, the ACPS leadership team and the Alexandria community for entrusting me to support students and staff during my tenure.” 

The Alexandria City School Board ensures that all students reach their highest academic potential and that they are prepared for citizenship, higher education, and to be life, college and career ready. To accomplish this goal, the Board makes policy, budget, and leadership decisions that are aligned with the ACPS Vision and Strategic Plan; and will communicate with and involve stakeholders actively and transparently. More information about the School Board’s role, schedule and contact information is available online.

“We are excited to welcome Mr. Beaty,” said Superintendent Dr. Melanie Kay-Wyatt. “We look forward to collaborating with Mr. Beaty and the rest of the Board working together to propel our division forward and ensuring academic excellence for all students and support for all staff.” 

Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) serves more than 16,000 students who hail from more than 119 countries and speak 121 languages. ACPS has 18 schools, including two middle schools, two K-8 schools, one pre-K school and the internationally recognized Alexandria City High School. ACPS is committed to putting racial equity at the heart of all decisions and ensuring that each and every student succeeds.
