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Community Funded Facilities Projects

Interested in initiating a community funded project?

Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) appreciates the willingness of businesses, groups, organizations and other entities and persons in our community to contribute some or all of the funding, goods, services, and the like to various capital projects. The basic process for every community funded project is the same, although each project may have subtle differences. 

As a public entity, ACPS has significant public policy considerations including compliance with all requirements under Virginia Law and the Virginia Public Procurement Act (VPPA). To begin the process, please read the following:

  1. Processes and Protocols: This contains an outline of the process and a list of frequently asked questions to guide potential community partners through the process of initiating a community funded project for the benefit of ACPS and its students.
  2. ACPS Policy FB: Facilities Planning and Community Funded Facilities Projects (PDF) and FB-R: Regulations for Community Funded Capital Projects (PDF).
  3. After reading through Step 1 and 2, please fill out the Community Funded Facilities Project Questionnaire. You can also download and send a copy of the completed questionnaire to Office of Community Partnerships and Engagement Executive Director Taneika Tukan at

Outline of Steps

  1. Potential community partner requests a Community Funded Projects Information Packet and fills out the form regarding project
  2. Potential community partners submit the proposal to the school principal or to the Office of School, Business and Community Partnerships.
  3. ACPS staff reviews the project
  4. Staff designee contacts the community partner representative with a decision regarding sensibility of project and next steps if the project moves
  5. ACPS and community partner establishes requirements needed to proceed with School Board
  6. Potential community partner decides with ACPS facilities staff when to add the project to the
  7. Superintendent presents his/her recommendation to the School
  8. Partner transfers all funding for the project into ACPS
  9. Partner completes a partnership agreement with
  10. ACPS bids the project
  11. ACPS manages, leads and oversees the project through completion

Processes and Protocols