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Tech Titans After-School STEM Club

ACPS’s after-school STEM-H program, Tech Titans, is an initiative made possible by the National Institutes of Health’s AIM-AHEAD Program!

ACPS is excited to offer after-school Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and Health Sciences (STEM-H) clubs at four of our schools — George Washington and Francis C. Hammond Middle School, Patrick Henry K-8 School, and Jefferson-Houston PreK-8 IB School

Thanks to a National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant, the clubs introduce students to hot topics such as 3D design, robotics and machine learning by using cutting-edge technology. All ACPS middle schoolers are invited to join!

Check out the Immersive Interactive Room at George Washington Middle School!

Featured cutting-edge technology

STEM club participants across schools can explore:

Initiative made possible by

NIH’s Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Consortium to Advance Health Equity and Researcher Diversity (AIM-AHEAD) program establishes mutually beneficial and coordinated partnerships to increase the participation and representation of researchers and communities currently underrepresented in the development of Artificial IntelligenceI/Machine Learning models and enhance the capabilities of this emerging technology.

Its mission is to cultivate critical thinking, connect passion with purpose, and support upward mobility for underrepresented students interested in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and Health Sciences (STEM-H).


For more information, please contact:

Kelly Brockway
After School STEM Club Coordinator