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Out of School Time Programming

LINK Club is a FREE after school program offered by Alexandria City Public Schools at select schools and community sites. The program is designed to prepare students for the challenges of today and tomorrow by addressing their comprehensive academic and socio-economic needs through a whole-child approach.

LINK Club supports in-school learning through academic tutoring and engaging project-based activities. Students are also provided a safe space to interact with peers and participate in enrichment and recreational activities during the critical hours of 3:00pm to 6:00pm, Monday through Friday, when many parents are at work.

The program is by invitation only and is based on the student’s academic and socio-economic needs. Some sites are school-based, meaning only students enrolled at that specific school can attend.

School-Based Sites

Community-Based Sites

Our Community Partnerships

ACPS LINK Club would not be possible without the incredible in-kind support, facility usage and staff supervision made available by our lead community partners:   

Other essential partners who provide in-kind services include:


Funding Supports Ensures No Cost to Eligible Families

LINK Club is provided at no cost to eligible ACPS families as a result of five U.S. Department of Education 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) grants; the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds created by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act; and ACPS school-based Title I and Extended Learning Opportunity funds.

More Information

Contact Us

Marisol Morales
Out of School Time Program Manager

Crystal Zancig
Out of School Time Curriculum & Data Specialist

Dawud Rawlings
LINK Program Site Coordinator

Tamiko Hudson
LINK Club Grant Operations & Data Coordinator