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Project GLAD

ACPS RTC offers high-quality, rigorous, research-based professional learning through OCDE Project GLAD ®.

OCDE Project GLAD® (Guided Language Acquisition Design) is a model of professional development that provides depth and understanding behind best practices for language learning and development with practical applications in the classroom.

Project GLAD® uses innovative design practices to ensure that lessons are created intentionally to meet the needs of all students, most intently the needs of our language learners/ emergent bilingual students. These standards based lessons allow for teaching and learning to come alive, for healthy supportive environments to be cultivated and to sustain both rigor and fun in the classroom-all while building language through content.  

The following Guiding Principles inform our work:

  • All students have valuable assets that foster life-long success

  • Diversity and respect is cultivated and celebrated

  • Research and data drive our practice

  • Development of academic language proficiency is integral to equity in the classroom

We proudly use OCDE Project GLAD® as an approach to reaching and teaching all of our academic language learners Pre-K through 12th grade in ACPS. We have worked to build a team of diverse and skilled OCDE Project GLAD® Trainers who are ready to support educators by building their toolboxes with GLAD®  strategies both within ACPS and surrounding communities. 

Submit the form below to learn more about Project GLAD® training, our incredible training team and our offerings of professional learning opportunities.

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Project GLADĀ® Trainer Team in ACPS

Yenny Lugo and Edwin Velez
Yenny Lugo and Edwin Velez
Lauren Hughart, Laura Negron Monllor, Anna Harvin and Jaime Pratt
Lauren Hughart, Laura Negron Monllor, Anna Harvin and Jaime Pratt
Emily Bartlett and Jessica Raugitinane
Emily Bartlett and Jessica Raugitinane
Juliet Harris, Lori McAndrews and Sofia Melendez Contreras
Juliet Harris, Lori McAndrews and Sofia Melendez Contreras

Contact information:

Anna Harvin (she/her)
ACPS Project GLAD® Specialist

Emily Bartlett (she/her)
ACPS Project GLAD® Instructional Specialist

Janet Goodwin (she/her)
Business Manager
ACPS Project GLAD®

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