First, students need to determine the assessment they will take, which depends on the language assessment they request.
Preparation for AAPPL: (Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Thai):
Review Tips on how to do well on the assessment :
Review and practice with demo tests. If your language is not available for practice, select English.
Be familiar with the keyboard shortcuts for accents and special characters: French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish—instructions for shortcuts will be available during the assessment, however, students should already be familiar with them.
Be familiar with the keyboard layout for: Arabic, Hindi, Korean, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese (simplified), Russian and Thai.
Preparation for Writing Proficiency Test (WPT): (Albanian (Booklet form only), Cantonese Chinese, Danish, Greek (Modern), Haitian Creole (Booklet form only), Hebrew, Norwegian, Persian Farsi, Polish, Turkish, Vietnamese):
Preparation for Oral Proficiency Interview (OPIc): (Bengali, Indonesian, Pashto, Brazilian Portuguese)
Preparation for Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI):
There is no demo test for the OPIC.
Preparation: ALIRA (ACTFL Latin Interpretive Reading Assessment):