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Learn Platform

Intro to Learn Platform

ACPS provides students and staff with a variety of applications to support student learning. Learn Platform is a tool that enables us to provide families with a library of software applications supported and approved for use in ACPS classrooms. Student accounts are created based on grade level and content area. Therefore, the ACPS Approved Software Library can be filtered by grade level, content area, and school. This is a public library and families do not need a login to view the applications. The video below provides an introduction to the platform. 

View ACPS Approved Software Library

How is Learn Platform different from Clever?

Learn Platform provides the ACPS Approved Software Library. The approved software library provides details about the supported applications used by students for instruction and intervention. It also provides links to important information, including privacy policies and terms of service. 

Clever is the ACPS single sign-on portal. This means that students log into Clever and are able to access their ACPS approved applications, school-wide library resources, textbook portals and special assessments/surveys using the Clever portal. Clever also provides schools and teachers with the ability to add additional links to the Clever Portal and Teacher Page. These additional school and classroom links are accessed for informational purposes, require no login, and do not collect student information. 

How are applications purchased?

Software applications purchased by the Division are vetted by multiple departments for alignment with the ACPS curriculum and IT infrastructure, as well as how they handle student and staff data privacy. Schools may use their funds to purchase applications to support school-specific needs. 

My child uses an application not on this list. What does that mean?

Teachers may request the use of additional software applications that fill a defined gap in what we have available vs. their desired instructional goals. If a requested application is approved, it is available for use with parent consent for appropriate grade levels.