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Health and Immunization Requirements

To complete your child's enrollment, parents/guardians and their health care provider (doctor) should complete the Commonwealth of Virginia School Entrance Health Form, providing documentation of the following enrollment requirements:

  • Physical examination report:
    • State law (Ref. Code of Virginia § 22.1-270) requires that your child receives a comprehensive physical examination and is immunized in the United States before entering public kindergarten or elementary school. The physical examination must be dated within one year prior to the date of entry into kindergarten.
    • Based on the above, students currently participating in an ACPS pre-kindergarten program must provide proof of immunizations and a NEW physical examination prior to entering kindergarten, even if these documents were provided prior to entrance into pre-kindergarten.
    • For the purposes of clarification, “elementary school” above refers to grades one through five.
  • Immunization records (Documenting month, day and year each was administered) - The following are required:
    • Negative Tuberculosis Risk Assessment, PPD Tuberculin Skin Test, IGRA blood test or negative Chest X-Ray, completed in the United States: Administered within 12 months prior to child’s first day of school.
    • Hepatitis B: A complete series of three doses of the Hepatitis B vaccine.
    • Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTaP, DTP, or Tdap): A minimum of four doses, with one dose administered on or after the fourth birthday. A booster dose of the Tdap vaccine is required for all children entering the 7th grade.
    • Polio (OPV or IPV): A minimum of four doses, with one dose administered on or after the fourth birthday.
    • Measles, Mumps, & Rubella (MMR): All children must have at least two doses of Measles, two doses of Mumps, and one dose of Rubella prior to kindergarten. The first dose must be administered at 12 months of age or older.
    • Varicella (Chicken Pox): All children must have two doses of varicella or medical documentation of having the chickenpox disease.
    • Haemophilus Influenzae Type b (Hib): Required for pre-K students.
    • Pneumococcal (PCV): Required for pre-K students.
    • Effective July 1, 2021 - Hepatitis A (HAV): A minimum of 2 doses of the Hepatitis A vaccine is required for incoming kindergarten students only. Rising first-graders and newly enrolled students in grades 1-12 will be considered “grandfathered” and will not be required to have the Hep A vaccine for school enrollment (however, it is recommended).
    • Effective July 1, 2021 - Human Papilloma Virus (HPV): A complete series of 2 doses of HPV vaccine is required for students entering the 7th grade. The first dose shall be administered before the child enters the 7th grade. After reviewing educational materials approved by the Board of Health, the parent or guardian, at the parent's or guardian's sole discretion, may elect for the child not to receive the HPV vaccine.
    • Effective July 1, 2021 - Meningococcal Conjugate (MenACWY): A minimum of 2 doses of MenACWY vaccine. The first dose should be administered prior to entering 7th grade. The final dose should be administered prior to entering 12th grade.

See detailed Virginia immunization requirements for school entry.

Evidence of Immunization

Evidence acceptable for proof of required immunizations must include the month, day, and year each dosage was administered on forms developed by, or approved by, the State Department of Health. All students for whom dates cannot be provided (month, day, and year) must be referred to the local health department or their private healthcare provider to update their records before entering school.

Conditional Enrollment

A student may be enrolled for a period of 90 school days contingent upon the student's having received at least one dose of each of the required vaccines and the student's possessing a plan, from a physician or local health department, for completing his or her immunization requirements within the ensuing 90 school days; except that a student who has not yet received a second dose of measles (rubeola) vaccine must receive such second dose pursuant to the State Board of Health minimum immunizations required for school attendance.


  1. When the parent or guardian has an objection on the grounds that the administration of immunizing agents conflicts with his or her religious tenets or practices and provides the principal with a written statement of such objection unless an emergency or a disease epidemic has been declared by the State Board of Health (the parent must provide the school with a notarized copy of the Virginia Certificate of Religious Exemption (PDF).
  2. When the parent or guardian presents a statement from a physician that states that the physical condition of the child is such that the administration of one or more of the required immunizing agents would be detrimental to the health of the child.

Homeless Students

If a student is a homeless child or youth as defined in VA. Code §22.1-3 and

  1. does not have documentary proof of necessary immunizations or has incomplete immunizations
  2. is not exempted from immunization

ACPS will immediately admit the student and will immediately refer the student to the ACPS homeless liaison, who will assist in obtaining the documentary proof of, or completion of, immunization.

Immunization and PPD tests are available in Alexandria through:

If you wish to inquire about religious exemptions to the medical requirements or for more information, contact the school nurse at your assigned school.

Children of Active Duty Military

In accordance with the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children (VA Code § 22.1-360), the children of military families shall have 30 days from the date of enrollment to obtain any required immunization(s). For a series of immunizations, initial vaccinations must be obtained within 30 days.