Welcome Alexandria City Public Schools Families!
To help you navigate this section we've highlighted important information you will need to know as your child attends Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS).
- The Attendance Zone Locator will assist you in finding which school serves your neighborhood.
- Emergency Information will take you to information about safety policies and emergency guidelines.
- Resources, Programs & Services For Immigrants and Refugees (City of Alexandria): the City of Alexandria is home to more than 150,000 people from a rich diversity of backgrounds. The City is committed to providing a wide range of effective and essential safety net services to improve or maintain the well-being, safety and self-sufficiency of all its residents—including the hundreds of refugees and immigrants we welcome into our community every year.
- Parents are our partners in ensuring students are in school and ready to learn each day. The Attendance Truancy Prevention section underscores how positive attendance opens the door for students to take advantage of the opportunities available at ACPS.
- The Transportation section provides our walk-to-school policy, bus schedules, and bus safety rules.
- Behaviors that promote learning and keep ACPS school environments safe are spelled out in the Student Code of Conduct. In that section you'll also find information on Bullying Prevention and how to report incidents are also provided for families.
- Need-to-know information on Translation and Interpretation Services is available. This area also highlights how to get involved in your student’s educational experience in Family and Community Engagement (FACE), as the FACE Center provides information, resources, activities and more.
- The Alexandria PTA Council (PTAC) is a great venue for parents to exchange ideas, network and stay connected with their child’s school - and joining is made simple in this section.
ACPS has so much to offer its families. Make sure to check out our Back-to-School Guide, Calendar, Parent Resource Center and Volunteer and Grants information too.