PTA Council (PTAC)
The Alexandria PTA Council (PTAC) is a great venue for city-wide networking, idea exchange, fact-finding and staying involved. The PTAC is the advocacy voice for all of our children all of the time — not just one grade, one school or one side of town.
The PTAC relies on leaders who have a passion for children's issues. The executive board includes a president, secretary, treasurer, VP for programs, VP for communications, VP of outreach, reflections chair, DEI co-chairs, camp directory chairs and a special education chair. ANY PTA member (not only current or past PTA presidents) may serve as an officer or committee chairperson on the PTA Council.
PTAC has a close working relationship with the superintendent, ACPS community outreach office and school board members. Every PTA president (or authorized delegate) is a voting member of the PTAC. PTAC leaders are available to assist school PTA leaders with issues like bylaws revisions, budget and finance questions, the Reflections program, and membership reporting.
The PTA "chain" is as follows: school PTA → Alexandria PTA Council → Virginia PTA → National PTA.
The PTAC sponsors the Summer Camp Directory and conducts the Reflections program at the city-wide level. PTAC receives income from dues paid by each PTA.
Please visit PTACs website for the latest PTAC documents and information, including details for meeting schedules, Reflections and Camp Directory.
Alexandria PTA Council
P.O. Box 3134
Alexandria, VA 22302
Send dues and Scholarship Fund donations to this address, with checks payable to Alexandria PTA Council.