Translation and Interpretation Services
Services for Families
The information below is available in the following languages:
English (PDF) | Amharic (PDF) | Arabic (PDF) | Bengali (PDF) | Dari (PDF) | Farsi (PDF) | Krio (PDF) | Pashtu (PDF) | Spanish (PDF) | Tigrinya (PDF) | Twi (PDF) | Urdu (PDF)
More than 50% of students in ACPS speak a language other than English at home. The most frequently spoken languages among ACPS students are Spanish, Amharic and Arabic.
In order to support communication between schools, students and families, ACPS's language access services include:
- telephone interpretation through the toll-free (1-833-611-1667) Language Line
- face-to-face interpretation
- written translation services
Services for Families
- Accessing Services
- Interpretation Services through The Language Line
- Face-To-Face Interpretation Services
- Written Translation Services
- For more information
- Have questions or concerns? Need Support?
Accessing Services
Interpretation Services through The Language Line
Face-To-Face Interpretation Services
Written Translation Services
For more information
Have questions or concerns? Need Support?
Parent Feedback
ACPS values your feedback on translation and interpretation services. Please share your input using the feedback form here.
Thank you for your time.
Comentario de los padres
ACPS valora sus comentarios sobre los servicios de traducción e interpretación. Comparta sus comentarios utilizando el formulario de comentarios aquí.
Gracias por su tiempo.
የወላጅ አስተያየት (Feedback)
በትርጉም እና የማስተርጎም አገልግሎቶች ላይ የምትሰጡትን አስተያየት (feedback)፣ ACPS ከፍተኛ-ቦታ ይሰጠዋል። እዚህ የሚገኘውን የአስተያየት ቅጽ (feedback form)ን በመጠቀም፣ እባክዎን ያለዎትን ግብዓት (input) አጋሩን። ለዚህ ጊዜያችሁን ስለሰዋችሁ፣ እናመሰግናለን።
آراء وملاحظات ولي الامر
، تثمن مدارس ACPS تقديمكم للآراء والملاحظات المتعلقة بخدمات الترجمة الكتابية والترجمة الفورية. يرجى مشاركة آرائكم وملاحظاتكم من خلال إستخدام نموذج تقديم الآراء والملاحظات هنا. شكراً على وقتكم.
Language Access Manager
Victor M. Espinosa Sanchez
Cell: 703-213-7052
Senior Spanish Translator
Fermin Lares
Arabic Translator/Interpreter
Ali Alkhanak
Amharic Translator/Interpreter
Menberemariam Awoke
Dari/Farsi/Pashtu Translator/Interpreter
Aziz Ansary