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Adult High School Diploma Program

ACPS high school diploma programs for adults

A diploma awarded to an adult student who completes the course credit requirements in effect for any Board of Education diploma at the time that individual first entered the ninth grade, with the exception of health and physical education course requirements, does not require that the individual pass the Standards of Learning tests if the individual entered ninth grade prior to 2001.

High school transcripts are needed for all new Adult High School applicants. Email your transcript to

Fees: $145 for one to three classes per academic year. Our payment options have been updated to include debit/credit cards, money orders and personal checks. No cash will be accepted.

Class Schedule

Alexandria City High School
Monday through Thursday, 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Please call 703-619-8027 (or 703-824-6845 after 5:30 p.m.) for more information.