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Permission to Screen Form

Families who submitted an AAS referral by December 13, 2024, must complete and submit a Permission to Screen Form. ACPS requires permission from the parent/guardian to obtain additional information, including cognitive testing. This form contains permission-to-screen information and a space to provide optional additional information you would like to share about your child. 

Families may access the form in form in three ways: 

  1. PowerSchoolYou can log into your PowerSchool Parent Account.  Please select your child's name, click on the Forms tab, click on the form "Permission for Advanced Academic Services and Optional Information," choose your preferred language from the drop-down box, and fill in and submit the form.
  2. Download a copy of the form, complete it, and submit it to the AAS screening lead at your child's school (see attachments below) 

​​​​​​​3.  Request a hard copy from your child's school AAS screening lead, complete it, and return it to the screening lead at the school.