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English Learner (EL) Program Features


The EL Office staff registers and assesses the English language proficiency (and mathematics skills of students in grades 6-12) of more than 1,700 students annually, evaluates foreign transcripts and responds to questions related to the program posed by parents and the community. The EL Office is also responsible for tasks related to program monitoring, providing K-12 professional development, coordinating administration of the state's annual English language proficiency assessment, providing orientation and information to families new to ACPS, as well as providing workshops for parents of immigrant youth and parents of English Learners.

The EL Program offers instruction with an EL teacher to students at five levels of English language proficiency (ELP), as defined by the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE).

English Language Proficiency Levels

A description of the levels is available from the EL Office.

Kindergarten Grades 1-12
Level 1 Level 1: Entering
Level 2 Level 2: Emerging
Level 3 Level 3: Developing
Level 4 Level 4: Expanding
Level 5 Level 5: Bridging (Monitor status)
Level 6 Level 6: Reaching (Post-monitor status)
Level 6 students are monitored for academic success for two years.

WIDA Performance Definitions