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ACPS Middle School Athletics

Welcome to the Alexandria City Middle School Athletics Official Site, where young athletes strive for excellence! Our website is dedicated to providing information, resources, and support for students, parents, coaches, and fans involved in middle school athletics and activities.


2024 ACPS Middle School Girls Basketball Schedule & Results

Middle School Athletics Program

Participation in athletics helps children develop and improve cognitive skills, teaches valuable skills in leadership and time management, provides health benefits and builds a foundation for lifelong fitness habits. It also provides an opportunity to compare critical performance measures, athlete to non-athlete, as well as  lifelong lessons in the value of teamwork, empathy, work ethic, resilience and sacrifice for a goal,  while  developing values of respect and honor. 

Mission Statement

Alexandria City Middle Schools Athletics is a developmental program that promotes the academic, physical, psychological and social growth of the student athlete.


  1. Development of the student athlete.
  2. Sportsmanship
  3. Promotion of a successful and positive experience for all.

Expectations of Student Athletes

Alexandria City Public Schools holds its athletes to high standards. Student athletes are seen as representatives of both our school’s and community. As representatives of ACPS student athletes are expected to adhere to all school and athletic rules.

All athletes are expected to:

  • Act in a responsible manner at all time.

  • Attend and arrive on time to practices and games.

  • Refrain from using profanity or obscene language or gestures.

  • Show good sportsmanship and respect for officials, coaches and fellow athletes.

  • Play fair, play hard and forth your best effort in practice and in competition.

  • Treat other student athletes with respect and dignity.


ACPS will be rolling out several sports over the next 3 years. This coming school year will be our first set of sports to be played at the middle school level.

  • All teams will practice Monday –Thursday, and on some occasions they may have competitions on Friday and Saturday. There will be no practices or competitions on Sundays.
  • An activity bus will be available to drop students off at their perspective bus stops at the conclusion of all practices.
  • All athletes will be required to attend all classes with minimal tardies and must be in good standing with all of their teachers. If they do not meet these requirements they will not be allowed to participate in games and practices.


  • Boys Basketball
  • Girls Basketball
  • Swim & Dive
  • Scholastic Bowl
  • Track & Field


  • Boys Soccer
  • Cheer
  • Girls Soccer
  • Football
  • Forensics


  • Boys Tennis
  • Girls Tennis
  • Volleyball
  • Debate


  1. Sixth, seventh and eighth grade students may participate in the Interscholastic athletic program. Eighth Graders who are selected onto the freshman or JV high school teams may not play that particular sport in middle school.
  2. A participant must not have reached his/her15th birthday prior to September 1.
  3. The student must have a signed and passed physical examination form and completed all ACPS athletic agreement forms within the RANKONE registration system The student must be cleared to participate and GREEN in the RANKONE system prior to the first day of tryouts.
  4. Students must attend school as well as attend all their classes the entire school day in order to participate in practice or a game unless they have an excused absence signed by the Middle School Sports Coordinator. 
  5. Students must be passing all classes, have no D's or F’s and have a 2.0 cumulative GPA. Students who do not meet this criteria may be able to participate if selected for an academic improvement plan.


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