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School Board

Office of the School Board

The Alexandria City School Board is a nine-member elected body that adopts policy for the daily operation of schools and sees that school laws are properly explained, enforced, and observed. The city is divided into three voting districts, and three Board Members are elected from each district. Each member serves a three-year term. The School Board Chair receives $17,000 and Board Members receive $15,000 per year.

School Board Responsibilities

The responsibilities of the School Board include:

School Board Statements

Contact the School Board

The Alexandria City School Board will communicate with and involve stakeholders actively and transparently. The community is encouraged to contact the School Board to share questions, comments or concerns about the division’s goals, priorities, values and conditions.

  • If you have a question about day-to-day operations of the division, the staff supporting Ask ACPS will be able to connect you with the information requested.
  • For questions or issues involving a specific student, please start by contacting your child’s teacher, school support staff or the front office. Concerns, inquiries & Suggestions Guide
  • If you have questions or suggestions about the school division policies, the budget,  or strategic plan, please contact the School Board.